Sunday, January 07, 2007

Okay…another post about my Aussie trip…..I was bushwalking w/ some Australian families….this nice lady and I started to discuss differences we found in America and Australia…she's a very sweet lady who has traveled to many countries….

Of courze I mentioned to her about my “DUH” incident….I should’ve known better….since I also kinda have traveled to several countries…but I guess it was such a habit for me to use certain terminologies/words….my niece and nephew wanted me to take them to the little, cozy, local restaurant….so I did….I ordered me an avocado sandwich and the guy told me I had a choice of soup or chips…I was like chips wouldn’t be a bad choice since it was summer after all and soup would be too hot….I was thinking to get just a pack of regular potato chips….DUH! I forgot I was not in the United States….so when the guy brought out “fries” instead of “potato chips” I then realized my mistake right away…LMAO….

She told me the similar incident she had on her visit to Houston… was her “morning tea” and decided to stop in a restaurant in the Galleria area (closed to the hotel she was staying)…and ordered a biscuit…..and tea….of courze what she got was our “buttermilk biscuit” ……and what she wanted was a “cookie” instead….LMAO!!!

Then she said she was also a ‘lil horrified when she first found out that we separate fried chickens from white to dark meat... it is chicken segregation to her…ROFL….

And when I was invited for a nice Christmas Day feast…..this guy asked me after our food feast….if I would like Christmas Crackers….I was like HUH???? Sure why not, I didn’t mind trying ‘em? I thought they might be some edible crackers w/ Christmas decorations on ‘em????…..WRONG!!!!!!! They were party favors which go “pop” and had some funny riddles and quotes inside w/ folded colorful paper crowns…..ROFL!!!


Burger King in Australia = Hungry Jack’s….cuz the name Burger King was already trademarked by a man running a small takeaway food 1986, Hungry Jack’s started out by purchasing 11 failing Australian Wendy’s.

Burger King new logo

Hungry Jack's slogansLOL pretty catchy! (from its Website)
Betcha can't eat more than one! (Present Slogan)
The Burgers are better at Hungry Jack's
Sink your teeth into the new Wallabee Whopper, only $3.99 (Australian dollars)
We're all about fresh at Hungry Jack's
Love it at Hungry Jack's
Home of the Whopper
Oh Yeah
Tastier burgers and more funner!