Sunday, January 07, 2007

LMAO people…contrary to what yawl think…nope this post has nothing to do w/ my toilet bowl………yepper…my toilet bowl is functioning just fine THANK YOU VERY MUCH…no over flowing $#%@*!!!

But I put a photo of a toilet bowl….an Australian designed….

Lemme begin with saying that in Asia/Australia and even in Europe…RESTROOMS, WASHROOMS – both are considered unusual terminology…they tend to use the term….TOILET or WC…or LOO sometimes….and in Australia, not all but many homes (including my bro’s): “TOILET” is a separate room from the bathroom (showers)….

LMAO - if an American asks for a public bathroom/washroom/restroom to some Australians…it sounded very weird…like why are you pretending to take a bath/nap/rest in public…???? But on the other hand….I had to cringe I must admit…each time I heard someone asked where the toilet is….it is just sounded soooo uncouth…all I could think about it is the big giant TOILET BOWL…not the room itself…LMAO…and to me it sounded kinda TMI (TOO MUCH INFO)…..

OH yeah…and the toilet bowls there….and some Asian/European countries…have actually a DUAL – FLUSH FUNCTION…I guess according them…it is a traditional Australian way of saving water in a drought… got to pick from its 6 or 3 liter flushing…LOL!!!!

Last discussion about TOILET BOWL….okay ppl (I am sure some of yawl – LMAO) might think I am soooo obsessed when it comes to TOILET BOWL…he…he..due to prior two unpleasant experiences…whatever!!!

YESSSS–YESS-YESSSSS…the water in the sink and the TOILET of course….rotates one way as it drains in the northern hemisphere and the other way in the southern hemisphere…..from my smart hunney…it is due to the rotation of the Earth (what it is called: the Coriolis Effect)