Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Eyes Tmrw!!!!!!! Yepper….I did all my preop tday….they dilated my eyes, took measurements, and so on and so on for 2.5 hrs and afterwards…I was basically blinded….kinda…sorta…really weird but I am okay now though! And learning all about postop and what not to do.....

Oh...thanx Tar for checking up on me...and letting me put you as "in case of emergency" but he...he..I am one will be calling you....bcuz tmrw lasik surgery will be a GREAT success!!!

Tmrw at 1P…the real procedure will take place….pray for me people!!!! Oh I need to get some rest and put some drops 4x prior to surgery....

Oh yeah I signed up for the FSA @ work to do this op....when the insurance company first sent me the card, they put a wrong address and the card got after my HR found out and re-requested a new card, it finally arrived a week ago w/ a correct addy. And earlier, I called them to find out about the balance etc..etc..and...guess what...I WAS CHARGED $5 for the new card issued...I WAS LIKE WHAT THE H&^$!!! I know 5 bucks is 5 bucks...but I WASN'T the person who was responsible for the first card lost!!! It was the insurance company!!!! It had a wrong address and a copy of my application showed that I had written my addy correctly!!!! SO yeah....I was pretty peed-off and told them I will be expecting the $5 credit on my acct ASAP!!!! Geez...typical insurance freaking company....!!!! GIMME MY DARN 5 BUCKS back, I can buy a lunch with LUNCH stealer!

Can’t wait no more stinking glasses!!! YEAYYYYY!!!

BTW….GEEZ….tonight will be in the lower 20s here in ATL and the wind…geez it is blowing like crazzzzie….I thought I am in the Windy City (Chicago) for a moment there!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!