Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I was in a pretty foul mood last night and practically bit off my hunney’s head when he tried to show some concern. The truth is GEEZZZZ long-distance relationships (LDRs for short) are really hard to maintain. I discovered that talking on the phone isn't quite the easy task it's made out to be. When I'm feeling upset or stressed, more often than not I don't really feel like talking about it, I just want a hug and to rest my head on his chest. You can kid yourself all you like talking with each other every night is quite alright….WHATEVER…MY FOOT!!! …bcoz…it definitely is not the same as a hug or just some quality time together!

Further, I'm not sure if the fact that there is no end in sight to this misery is a blessing or a curse. Sure, I don't have any obligations here meaning anytime I want to, I can pack up and move my life to be with him….kinda sorta…LMAO!!!

I'm not ready to do that….of course!!!!

Thankfully, my hunney is pretty understanding and patient – he knows by now when I'm having a bad day and takes extra-care to call again in case I need some comfort later. And in turn, I do my best to be his personal cheerleader on days when he's not so perky himself.

I know we will be together (I DO HOPE) I would move there to be with him or he would me so we can end this a**-wipe LDR.

I love you babe…can’t wait for you to be here for V-day.