Monday, January 08, 2007

If you're busy, upset or whatever, you can complain to me, but don't ever, ever, EVER take it out on me. If you seriously have doubts as to whether I can perform the task, then don't ask me to do it in the first place. Find someone else to do the job, go ahead! It doesn't affect me, seriously. OH BTW just so you know….I'm not the type of person who would say that I could do it unless I believe I could bcuz I never wanna take on something and screw it up later. If you have no faith, don't come to me then! I don't wanna be treated like a spare tire, when you couldn’t find others to do the job then come and find me, K?????? Yeah I know. I knew it now what kind of person you really are….!!!! But you are not that important to me so.....yeah..yeah...whatever....just STAY AWAY from me, got it?????!!!!!