Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's been a tough past week or so since I came back from my vacation. I've been so tired and that coupled with my job weighing on my mind, it really had managed to get me a bit down. I came so close so many times to letting it all out on the open when I was asked "What's wrong?", but I resisted bcoz I knew my fatigue was multiplying my distress by about ten-fold, also I didn't want to dump on someone here at work especially who doesn’t really understand me and sound like all the other whiners. It gets a bit tough sometimes.

But a conversation with HIM, my closest friends…..VN or SAIgal, CAN, LIS, TAM, Drummer-ex, and a hunney that love me to bits helped to perk me up and calm me down a lot….and put things back into perspective…thanks sooo much yawl!!!! ….with them, I can really open up….

Going back to Houston is NOW FO’SURE my ultimate goal! HIM, my closest friends and even my hunney know about this strong intention of mine…..however…….I will be patience….bcoz I know for sure:

I would not stay at my bro’s place no matter what….I know he loves me no matter what including all my past-crazy decisions I have made :)…but I don’t want him to be worry about me….OR neither I would stay with any of my kewl dear-ies….even tho all of ‘em had kind-heartedly offered me a place to stay…but no, this time I wanna get a job, then get an apartment, then ask my "super-sweet galfriend in ATL" to arrange a truck to move my s**t…and off I’ll go back to Houston…..this is what I asked from HIM (in that order)!!!! I wanna to rely solely on HIM and HIM only….and if things are not happening that way then I know fo’sure that it is not the right timing to move to Houston…..oh meanwhile too, I would also apply for jobs in ATL…….too! And I know my lease is up in March ’07 and that means that I need to provide them w/ intent-to-move notification by February ‘07 but I should not be sweating for this bcoz…yeah sure it will be nice to be able to do so but come down to it…I would do the month-to-month..so there…no stressing….sometimes I can get all tangled up with useless worrisome crap….and I need HIM and my true friend(s) to remind me…

Now that I have made a decision about which path it is that I want to take. I have weighed up the things that are keeping me in this spot against why I DO wanna leave.

At the moment with work I feel a bit like I'm in a "bad relationship" that I want to get out of, but sometimes it’s just not THAT simple……….....

11 more days before my LASIK pre-op!!!
A little DUH experience of moi:

It was 6A I was so sick an tired of my glasses so I took it off and put it on my desk, then I remembered I had to obtain this paperwork from this guy in the warehouse…so then I told myself…lemme just run back to the warehouse grab this paper from him…without putting my glasses back on…LMAO…LMAO…of course I got back there….I couldn’t really able to distinguish the people back there…LOL…I know…I know…all I could see was a bunch of guys wearing green-uniform-t-shirts….I waved and everyone waved back….I then realized it ain’t gonna work couldn’t tell which of which…or may I safely said that "THEY WERE ALL DEFINETELY LOOKED ALIKE TO ME"…LMAO….LMAO…I turned around and went back to my desk to get my glasses….I know…LMAO…I am a silly goof!!!! :)