Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First of all, I want to thank those who have sent me several sweet-supporting emails….thanks you guys are the sweetest and great!!!!

On totally a different subject….and yeah…lot of opinions have surfaced regarding war in Iraq, Saddam Hussein execution, Pres. Bush reshuffled Iraq team, and the possibility of sending more troops….etc…

A couple of days ago, out of the blue I received an email from this French guy (he had worked in one of the Gulf of Mexico – Oil and Gas project at my former company.....we had our prior discussions about war in Iraq a long while back about the pros and cons about the situation…..etc.)…… this is what he wrote:

“You remembered when we discussed about the Iraq situation, now everything happened, the mess, 3000 young innocent soldiers who lost their lives, a lot of money spent, a dictator hanged and probably a future split of the country...what's a mess, nothing to be proud Americans?”

I didn’t respond to his email becz I felt that there was no point of responding to such a moronic comment….but then I felt the need to at least address this stupid but soooooooooooo typical commentary on my post…!!!!

First of all, lemme make somethg clear as to…I am not one of those war supporters neither am I those anti-war folks…..yeah, I have to agree it is extremely sad in regards of the lost of human lives in Iraq in general……but for him to say that NOTHING TO BE PROUD AMERICANS….really…really hacked me off!!!! NO matter what is happening curently….I AM STILL A PROUD AMERICAN. This country has flaws just like ANY OTHER countries in this whole DARN universe…but having traveled and lived in different countries…..I can assure you that…..AMERICA is DEFINITELY a GREAT country…..overall, with its flaws, quirks, differences…etc..etc….…..AMERICA (lemme write this one more time)… still a GREAT country…so yeah…WHATEVERRRRR!!

Sure France is chic, Italy is kewl, Great Britain is dainty, Australia is adventurous, Singapore is clean, Thailand, Hong Kong, China are a shopper’s paradise…and I can go on….but undeniable that AMERICA is GREAT and I am a proud American!

I understand that people definitely are entitled to have their opinion…yeah…no argument there…but moronic, uneducated comment as such…it’s kinda sad…cuz this guy supposedly has a higher education…’nouf said….!!!