Monday, January 29, 2007


Some people just don't learn.
They like to do things which make others upset.
I told them once, they don't get it.
I explained twice, they still don't get it.
Sad things happened repeatedly, it still don't get registered in their brain.
This is when you realized, they simply just *$#&#^ and they don't care!
They won't change.
I shouldn't be wasting MY time.
These people don't learn.

One Year
I can't believe it has been a year since WE met!!! I kinda forgot about it since I was sooo wrapped up with my surgery and looking for a job…my hunney got to remind me by sending me a flower bouquet…..I got a note from my leasing office….THANKS so much!!!

We talked for quite a while and my heart is bursting with the memory of last year, and the anticipation of many more memories to come. I can't believe it has been a year.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Just trying to recuperating after the QUITE A SCARY lasik surgery. MY EYES ARE LOOKING PRETTY SCARY AT THIS MOMENT...I GOT BROKEN BLOOD VESSELS on both eyes!!!! So, they would take at least 3 weeks or so to clear up...other than that (LOL)...........MY VISION IS 20/15!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! 3 weeks then all cleared up and I would look somewhat normal!!! LMAO...LMAO...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just don't give your HEART away too only have one, it's a mess to repair once it gets broken......

1 medium onion, chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1 cup baby carrots
2 cups sliced celery
1 pound red potatoes, scrubbed and cubed
2 pounds beef stew meat, cut into chunks
2 teaspoons dried thyme leaves
1 can (14.5 ounce) diced tomatoes in Juice
3/4 cup water
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste


Place onion over the bottom of 3-1/2 quart or larger crock pot. Add the following ingredients in this order: carrots, celery, potatoes and beef. Sprinkle with thyme. Pour diced tomatoes and water over the top of the beef.

Cover; cook on LOW setting for 8 to 10 hours until meat is tender. Stir in tomato paste; cover.

Cook an additional 10 minutes on HIGH setting.

New Eyes Tmrw!!!!!!! Yepper….I did all my preop tday….they dilated my eyes, took measurements, and so on and so on for 2.5 hrs and afterwards…I was basically blinded….kinda…sorta…really weird but I am okay now though! And learning all about postop and what not to do.....

Oh...thanx Tar for checking up on me...and letting me put you as "in case of emergency" but he...he..I am one will be calling you....bcuz tmrw lasik surgery will be a GREAT success!!!

Tmrw at 1P…the real procedure will take place….pray for me people!!!! Oh I need to get some rest and put some drops 4x prior to surgery....

Oh yeah I signed up for the FSA @ work to do this op....when the insurance company first sent me the card, they put a wrong address and the card got after my HR found out and re-requested a new card, it finally arrived a week ago w/ a correct addy. And earlier, I called them to find out about the balance etc..etc..and...guess what...I WAS CHARGED $5 for the new card issued...I WAS LIKE WHAT THE H&^$!!! I know 5 bucks is 5 bucks...but I WASN'T the person who was responsible for the first card lost!!! It was the insurance company!!!! It had a wrong address and a copy of my application showed that I had written my addy correctly!!!! SO yeah....I was pretty peed-off and told them I will be expecting the $5 credit on my acct ASAP!!!! Geez...typical insurance freaking company....!!!! GIMME MY DARN 5 BUCKS back, I can buy a lunch with LUNCH stealer!

Can’t wait no more stinking glasses!!! YEAYYYYY!!!

BTW….GEEZ….tonight will be in the lower 20s here in ATL and the wind…geez it is blowing like crazzzzie….I thought I am in the Windy City (Chicago) for a moment there!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I was in a pretty foul mood last night and practically bit off my hunney’s head when he tried to show some concern. The truth is GEEZZZZ long-distance relationships (LDRs for short) are really hard to maintain. I discovered that talking on the phone isn't quite the easy task it's made out to be. When I'm feeling upset or stressed, more often than not I don't really feel like talking about it, I just want a hug and to rest my head on his chest. You can kid yourself all you like talking with each other every night is quite alright….WHATEVER…MY FOOT!!! …bcoz…it definitely is not the same as a hug or just some quality time together!

Further, I'm not sure if the fact that there is no end in sight to this misery is a blessing or a curse. Sure, I don't have any obligations here meaning anytime I want to, I can pack up and move my life to be with him….kinda sorta…LMAO!!!

I'm not ready to do that….of course!!!!

Thankfully, my hunney is pretty understanding and patient – he knows by now when I'm having a bad day and takes extra-care to call again in case I need some comfort later. And in turn, I do my best to be his personal cheerleader on days when he's not so perky himself.

I know we will be together (I DO HOPE) I would move there to be with him or he would me so we can end this a**-wipe LDR.

I love you babe…can’t wait for you to be here for V-day.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What I won’t do this year… or rather, attempt not to…..
I will not roll my eyes a gazillion times at lame remarks…..
I will not lose my belongings (especially my sunglasses)…..
I will not sleep for more than 9 hours on the weekend of course….
I will not be a Speedy Gonzales on the road
I will not complain and whine like a whiney a**es
I will not binge……
I will continue to work out regularly…….
I will not gossip…………..
I will not overspend!!
I will not place my trust so easily….extremely sensitive about stuff like that now…..
I will not be emo………………..
I will not nag and be long winded………….

Pho Ga

Goi Cuon

Thursday, January 18, 2007

1/2 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 tsp. oil
1 can (14-1/2 oz.) chicken broth
1-1/2 cups water
2 cups assorted cut-up vegetables (such as sliced carrots, broccoli florets and chopped red pepper)
Bouquet garni (parsley, thyme, and bay leaf etc)
Salt and pepper

COOK and stir chicken in hot oil in large saucepan until browned.
ADD broth, water, vegetables. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover. Simmer 5 minutes.
STIR in parsley, thyme, bay leaf, etc, cover. Remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes.

"A friend will be there for you when things are good...but a TRUE friend will be there for you when things are good and also when things are very bad...and just when it feels like you will never smile again...she can put a smile on your face with just with a hug!"

I copied it somewhere…..but this quote is oh soooooh true….
I really do thank HIM for all these genuine friends who have been really patient with me in particular…and trying hard to be there for me…..
LIS – my dear “sister” in Chicago even called and offered me to move to Chicago and a place to live until I get a job….if that would be a path I want to choose…
CAN – the same way in Houston, but she also asked me to listen to HIM….
And others who I could not list each and every one.....
But one true friend…came out of nowhere….AMAZINGLY…., TAR, I met her at work, she came to my company with her colleague to explain the quotations I had asked her company to provide….you know how GOD put special people into special places…I surely believe it happened on this occasion…something told me to approach her more and spoke….(don’t usually do this to just anybody)….I did and yeah…and we just connected!!! She graduated and moved from out of state too, leaving her fam and friends….just like me….we had our get-together once in a while bcoz of both of our busy schedules….we keep in touch by emails, phone-calls, just checking in with each other………often!

After I came back from vacation, I emailed her and asking her to help me with prayers….we didn’t have much time to discuss further…but she made time to call me…and after spilling everything out…she calmly prayed with me…calling out HIS name….it was amazing…and I was so taken and lost for words….
TAR – if you happened to read this post…I really do appreciate our friendship, you are so genuine and precious!!! I thank GOD for surrounding me with real compassionate people – this is HIS way to assure me that…I will be alright...if I continue to walk in HIS way…HE will never forsake me…..
I see the need for acceptance and patience…..I must really say God’s still molding me, and teaching me many, many things I’ve yet to learn and understand…..

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's been a tough past week or so since I came back from my vacation. I've been so tired and that coupled with my job weighing on my mind, it really had managed to get me a bit down. I came so close so many times to letting it all out on the open when I was asked "What's wrong?", but I resisted bcoz I knew my fatigue was multiplying my distress by about ten-fold, also I didn't want to dump on someone here at work especially who doesn’t really understand me and sound like all the other whiners. It gets a bit tough sometimes.

But a conversation with HIM, my closest friends…..VN or SAIgal, CAN, LIS, TAM, Drummer-ex, and a hunney that love me to bits helped to perk me up and calm me down a lot….and put things back into perspective…thanks sooo much yawl!!!! ….with them, I can really open up….

Going back to Houston is NOW FO’SURE my ultimate goal! HIM, my closest friends and even my hunney know about this strong intention of mine…..however…….I will be patience….bcoz I know for sure:

I would not stay at my bro’s place no matter what….I know he loves me no matter what including all my past-crazy decisions I have made :)…but I don’t want him to be worry about me….OR neither I would stay with any of my kewl dear-ies….even tho all of ‘em had kind-heartedly offered me a place to stay…but no, this time I wanna get a job, then get an apartment, then ask my "super-sweet galfriend in ATL" to arrange a truck to move my s**t…and off I’ll go back to Houston…..this is what I asked from HIM (in that order)!!!! I wanna to rely solely on HIM and HIM only….and if things are not happening that way then I know fo’sure that it is not the right timing to move to Houston…..oh meanwhile too, I would also apply for jobs in ATL…….too! And I know my lease is up in March ’07 and that means that I need to provide them w/ intent-to-move notification by February ‘07 but I should not be sweating for this bcoz…yeah sure it will be nice to be able to do so but come down to it…I would do the there…no stressing….sometimes I can get all tangled up with useless worrisome crap….and I need HIM and my true friend(s) to remind me…

Now that I have made a decision about which path it is that I want to take. I have weighed up the things that are keeping me in this spot against why I DO wanna leave.

At the moment with work I feel a bit like I'm in a "bad relationship" that I want to get out of, but sometimes it’s just not THAT simple……….....

11 more days before my LASIK pre-op!!!
A little DUH experience of moi:

It was 6A I was so sick an tired of my glasses so I took it off and put it on my desk, then I remembered I had to obtain this paperwork from this guy in the warehouse…so then I told myself…lemme just run back to the warehouse grab this paper from him…without putting my glasses back on…LMAO…LMAO…of course I got back there….I couldn’t really able to distinguish the people back there…LOL…I know…I know…all I could see was a bunch of guys wearing green-uniform-t-shirts….I waved and everyone waved back….I then realized it ain’t gonna work couldn’t tell which of which…or may I safely said that "THEY WERE ALL DEFINETELY LOOKED ALIKE TO ME"…LMAO….LMAO…I turned around and went back to my desk to get my glasses….I know…LMAO…I am a silly goof!!!! :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pot roast beef - EATING W/ THE F-M-I-L!!!!

2.5 lbs beef (whole piece)
Salt and black pepper to taste
300 g onions
8 tbsp beef stock

Soy sauce
4 tbs brandy
10 oz oil

Marinate the beef with salt, pepper, beef stock, soy sauce and brandy and refrigerate for about an hour. Grind the onions and add 2 tbs of beef stock and pepper. Fry the beef for about 20 mins. Remove the beef and brown the onions.

Add the beef and 3-4 cups of water and simmer until the beef is soft. Add water when necessary and continue frying until beef is soft which should take about 1.5 hours. When the beef is soft just simmer until the gravy thickens. Slice the beef and serve with the gravy.
I miss my niece and my nephew…..I DO HONESTLY think the best kisses and hugs you will ever get are from kids…becz when they kiss or hug you… you know fo’sure they are… 100%....real!!!! They are sooooooooo sincere coming straight from their heart…!!!!

I miss you both!!! A lot!!!!!!!!….I remember the precious moment on my last visit to see 'em….I was coming out from the bathroom, my niece was in her room and my nephew was drawing me some of his famous Power Rangers in the study meanwhile my huney was helping my nephew cleaning the poops of my nephew’s Tamagotchi Virtual Pet in the hallway….I called out…SWEETIEEEEEE…..three of them at the same time (IN ACCORD)….answered me YES????...the housekeeper had this grin in her face and she told me that I needed to be more specific since I got 3 SWEETIES….LMAO…PRECIOUS!!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Emotionally this past week has been so draining. I had another talk from my HUNEY about where do I want our live to be….and this time it ended in tears!!!!! He felt sooo bad...and had called me several times since.........

Oh BTW he is still experiencing the silent treatments from almost all members of his family for a few weeks now! He told me that his dad is still constantly pounding him w/ WHAT’S NEXT questions….almost all his life….despite his many attempts to prove to him that he is a grown man who tries to live life his very best….He said that it just seems that his dad disregards his many attempts…and never cease…when he is done with one phase of his life, then immediately he will hustle him onto the next, by badgering him with WHAT NEXT? And…he said it has reached to the point that whenever he sees his dad….all he could hear is WHAT NEXT? WHAT NEXT? WHAT NEXT? His dad constantly wanna be involved in his current plan, his one year plan and five year plan and so on….and he was not going to accept “I don’t know” answers…..

Now back to me and what I want in my life? HONESTLY, I don’t know what’s next?? LOL….I don’t know whether I should stay here in ATL and struggle to deal w/ his family that so far has been like pulling teeth…waiting for him to come back from his overseas assignment? Or move to where he was before his overseas assignment, another strange STATE (a couple of states away from Georgia) and stay at his plush rented apartment, driving his car and patiently waiting for his comeback…(this choice is so appalling to me and sounds sooooo old-fashionish-like-one-of-those-arranged-marriage-women-patiently-awaiting for their-future-hubby!!!)

What I want to do is to head back to Houston, to the familiar where I have a network and TRUE friends…I don’t have “FRIENDS-FRIENDS” here in Georgia, I don’t know a lot of people like I do in Houston and it just don’t feel like home…I don’t fit in here….I have PLENTY of kewl acquaintances, people I smile at, hang out in a nice cafĂ©, make basic conversation about the weather, traffic, generic pleasantries....But no one I can call in the middle of the night if I want to talk. I am so busy working a job with a miserable person who has turned to be so hateful and grumpy. (What can you do when you have to deal w/ this kind of person each MONDAY - FRIDAY…YESSSSSS I do try my best to live my Christian life….I DO!!!…I pray for his peace but I refuse to be his punching bag…therefore I decided to stay away from him COMPLETELY!!!!)

I have been to quite a few places in my life…..but I can’t consider another place besides Houston, TX where I can call home and grow roots in…..

Let’s take for an example Singapore…it is a brilliant city but lacks of soul…not much art, culture, literature or identity of it’s own….it feels like a surreal shopping fantasy land….sure the coffee shops, cuisine, shopping and architecture is fantastic. But in the midst of it all I always feel the COLDNESS and lost whenever I was there. Traffic and construction are booming at an unearthly rate. It feels like a strange fantasy dream city. You have to visit Singapore to understand what I'm saying. Don't get me wrong, it is a great place to have a holiday. But again, it's not a country I can grow roots in. STILL……….I'm torn about starting a life in Houston again….it is pretty scary. I don't have the faintest clue on how to even start this job searching process. Wow...this post turned out to be SUCH a downer. I'm so sorry!

This Human Resources guy had let me borrow this book called “The Prayer of Jabez” Jabez—a man whose name means pain. And he was a man who knew he needed God’s blessing and wasn’t afraid to ask for it and he was granted what he requested!

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:10

The Prayer of Jabez reminds us that everybody struggles with choosing to rely on himself or God. Jabez understands what many people do not -- there is only one God and He should be the center of our work God wants to bless every life. But, we must first make the choice to invite God into our life and ask for His blessings. I am then ever more convince that if I want to reach for goals and accomplishments that I want to have God in my side!!!

Another issue…this guy who works in the assembly line….but also is a preacher for a small church. I tried not to judge anyone bcuz it is easy to be judged that way…..!!! But somthg about this guy….just something…just not right……….about him… he is kinda creepy……despite the fact that he claims that he is a MAN of GOD…..I always kinda stay away from him.

And then…..there is this woman…works at parts department…she is divorced w/ one grown child….and she is a member of his church… started out that way….anyway…about 6 months ago…then, then….somtg…happened…..he started to hang around her…a little too much…way to much…I am not sure what happened….and I am not gonna speculate anythg….they soon got tangled up with this mess….and he ended up willing to divorce his wife and resign from his church…ALL for this women….it is so heartbreaking for me…..that he allows his lust and temptations to overtake him and for her that she is the reason of why he is leaving his family, church and everybody who believed in him….how could she able to trust that their relationship will last? Let’s say if they do end up together….years later….will history repeat??? Will this man find another woman to lust after….and then leave her for this new one? God, I am not writing this to judge anyone….I am actually humbly praying for him, her, his family, the church and everyone else involved….….!!!!!!!

Oh last night I was hanging out w/ some friends to celebrate "Barbie" birthday...FUN!!!!

Okay…back to my job searching…PRAY for me ppl……..and yes, I miss my contact lenses…wearing glasses is just way too straining for me…SIGH!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007


I have been away from Houston, TX too long. I miss Houston oh so very much…!!!!!

I am officially a homesick Texan….I wasn’t even born in Texas….BUT…I am always a Texan first….it is where my heart will always be and what truly defines me….

Why did I leave to begin with? After my dad’s fatal accident in 2004, I just wanted a change of scenery… ATL, GA seemed like a good idea at that time.....yeah at that time....but is a totally different scenario.......

I think what I do miss most is the fact that The Bayou City amazes me with its rich natural beauty, diversity and highly cultured urbanites.........

I miss the big sky, big history, big hearted friends with big personalities, big humors, big burgers….after all Houston is the fourth largest city in the U.S......LOL!!! ;)

I also have sooo many uber FAITHFUL, loving friends there that would support me through thick and thin no matter what...ain't that sooooooooo precious????!!!!….and over the years I surely have learned how really truly important TRUE friendship is….and some friendships are not meant to last forever……………….yeah...good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!! (I will not wish 'em bad s**t cuz they are just not worth holding grudges and there....but most definitely NOT a big lost either!) :)

Yeeeeeeeeeeeahhhh I am seriously looking for a job and planning my way back home…..pray for me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!! HOME….sweet…HOMEHouston…TX!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am craving bibimbap (Korean Cuisine).....!

Me and the yucky glasses....still! The 25th seems so far away

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First of all, I want to thank those who have sent me several sweet-supporting emails….thanks you guys are the sweetest and great!!!!

On totally a different subject….and yeah…lot of opinions have surfaced regarding war in Iraq, Saddam Hussein execution, Pres. Bush reshuffled Iraq team, and the possibility of sending more troops….etc…

A couple of days ago, out of the blue I received an email from this French guy (he had worked in one of the Gulf of Mexico – Oil and Gas project at my former company.....we had our prior discussions about war in Iraq a long while back about the pros and cons about the situation…..etc.)…… this is what he wrote:

“You remembered when we discussed about the Iraq situation, now everything happened, the mess, 3000 young innocent soldiers who lost their lives, a lot of money spent, a dictator hanged and probably a future split of the country...what's a mess, nothing to be proud Americans?”

I didn’t respond to his email becz I felt that there was no point of responding to such a moronic comment….but then I felt the need to at least address this stupid but soooooooooooo typical commentary on my post…!!!!

First of all, lemme make somethg clear as to…I am not one of those war supporters neither am I those anti-war folks…..yeah, I have to agree it is extremely sad in regards of the lost of human lives in Iraq in general……but for him to say that NOTHING TO BE PROUD AMERICANS….really…really hacked me off!!!! NO matter what is happening curently….I AM STILL A PROUD AMERICAN. This country has flaws just like ANY OTHER countries in this whole DARN universe…but having traveled and lived in different countries…..I can assure you that…..AMERICA is DEFINITELY a GREAT country…..overall, with its flaws, quirks, differences…etc..etc….…..AMERICA (lemme write this one more time)… still a GREAT country…so yeah…WHATEVERRRRR!!

Sure France is chic, Italy is kewl, Great Britain is dainty, Australia is adventurous, Singapore is clean, Thailand, Hong Kong, China are a shopper’s paradise…and I can go on….but undeniable that AMERICA is GREAT and I am a proud American!

I understand that people definitely are entitled to have their opinion…yeah…no argument there…but moronic, uneducated comment as such…it’s kinda sad…cuz this guy supposedly has a higher education…’nouf said….!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

If you're busy, upset or whatever, you can complain to me, but don't ever, ever, EVER take it out on me. If you seriously have doubts as to whether I can perform the task, then don't ask me to do it in the first place. Find someone else to do the job, go ahead! It doesn't affect me, seriously. OH BTW just so you know….I'm not the type of person who would say that I could do it unless I believe I could bcuz I never wanna take on something and screw it up later. If you have no faith, don't come to me then! I don't wanna be treated like a spare tire, when you couldn’t find others to do the job then come and find me, K?????? Yeah I know. I knew it now what kind of person you really are….!!!! But you are not that important to me so.....yeah..yeah...whatever....just STAY AWAY from me, got it?????!!!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Okay…another post about my Aussie trip…..I was bushwalking w/ some Australian families….this nice lady and I started to discuss differences we found in America and Australia…she's a very sweet lady who has traveled to many countries….

Of courze I mentioned to her about my “DUH” incident….I should’ve known better….since I also kinda have traveled to several countries…but I guess it was such a habit for me to use certain terminologies/words….my niece and nephew wanted me to take them to the little, cozy, local restaurant….so I did….I ordered me an avocado sandwich and the guy told me I had a choice of soup or chips…I was like chips wouldn’t be a bad choice since it was summer after all and soup would be too hot….I was thinking to get just a pack of regular potato chips….DUH! I forgot I was not in the United States….so when the guy brought out “fries” instead of “potato chips” I then realized my mistake right away…LMAO….

She told me the similar incident she had on her visit to Houston… was her “morning tea” and decided to stop in a restaurant in the Galleria area (closed to the hotel she was staying)…and ordered a biscuit…..and tea….of courze what she got was our “buttermilk biscuit” ……and what she wanted was a “cookie” instead….LMAO!!!

Then she said she was also a ‘lil horrified when she first found out that we separate fried chickens from white to dark meat... it is chicken segregation to her…ROFL….

And when I was invited for a nice Christmas Day feast…..this guy asked me after our food feast….if I would like Christmas Crackers….I was like HUH???? Sure why not, I didn’t mind trying ‘em? I thought they might be some edible crackers w/ Christmas decorations on ‘em????…..WRONG!!!!!!! They were party favors which go “pop” and had some funny riddles and quotes inside w/ folded colorful paper crowns…..ROFL!!!


Burger King in Australia = Hungry Jack’s….cuz the name Burger King was already trademarked by a man running a small takeaway food 1986, Hungry Jack’s started out by purchasing 11 failing Australian Wendy’s.

Burger King new logo

Hungry Jack's slogansLOL pretty catchy! (from its Website)
Betcha can't eat more than one! (Present Slogan)
The Burgers are better at Hungry Jack's
Sink your teeth into the new Wallabee Whopper, only $3.99 (Australian dollars)
We're all about fresh at Hungry Jack's
Love it at Hungry Jack's
Home of the Whopper
Oh Yeah
Tastier burgers and more funner!

LMAO people…contrary to what yawl think…nope this post has nothing to do w/ my toilet bowl………yepper…my toilet bowl is functioning just fine THANK YOU VERY MUCH…no over flowing $#%@*!!!

But I put a photo of a toilet bowl….an Australian designed….

Lemme begin with saying that in Asia/Australia and even in Europe…RESTROOMS, WASHROOMS – both are considered unusual terminology…they tend to use the term….TOILET or WC…or LOO sometimes….and in Australia, not all but many homes (including my bro’s): “TOILET” is a separate room from the bathroom (showers)….

LMAO - if an American asks for a public bathroom/washroom/restroom to some Australians…it sounded very weird…like why are you pretending to take a bath/nap/rest in public…???? But on the other hand….I had to cringe I must admit…each time I heard someone asked where the toilet is….it is just sounded soooo uncouth…all I could think about it is the big giant TOILET BOWL…not the room itself…LMAO…and to me it sounded kinda TMI (TOO MUCH INFO)…..

OH yeah…and the toilet bowls there….and some Asian/European countries…have actually a DUAL – FLUSH FUNCTION…I guess according them…it is a traditional Australian way of saving water in a drought… got to pick from its 6 or 3 liter flushing…LOL!!!!

Last discussion about TOILET BOWL….okay ppl (I am sure some of yawl – LMAO) might think I am soooo obsessed when it comes to TOILET BOWL…he…he..due to prior two unpleasant experiences…whatever!!!

YESSSS–YESS-YESSSSS…the water in the sink and the TOILET of course….rotates one way as it drains in the northern hemisphere and the other way in the southern hemisphere…..from my smart hunney…it is due to the rotation of the Earth (what it is called: the Coriolis Effect)