Sunday, December 17, 2006

Uno de los momentos mejores (one of the best moments)

A deep hug to all my friends who are having a hard time…
I don’t know it all but I do have my share of difficult periods.
Dwell on it for while, pick yourself up, and get your act together.
Like I said, we are all made for greater things.
Why ponder over the what-if when you ain’t even sure if it will come?
Live the moment. Indulge, but do so purposefully.
Live for the best…love yourself, 'cuz that's the only way you can start loving others.
When you're at your lowest low

The only way is up
Be strong, keep fighting
You'll kick yourself if you didn't even bother trying
Even against all the odds, nothing is impossible

Just believe......

I am not always here. Life's such.

But I will be there when you call upon me.


99.4% ready to go!!!