Pangs of melancholy
Miles and miles back home… is officially Winter there!! I don't really mizz the extremely cold weather tho' - the weather here is pretty darn mild...kinda San Francisco-y!
Happy Birthday Dad (Dec 26th) even though you are no longer with us here but you still very much alive in each of our heart…….. !!!!
My babe is getting by pretty relax w/ anyone n' everyone as expected LOL!!!!….that’s why I luv him much! I know fo'sho the characters of a person who would be compatible w/ me….I absolutely can’t never – never – never be w/ someone who is moody (mood swings)…grumpy-grump….who fusses over ‘lil stuff….n a total whiney a**, FAKE, weak individual….!!! And my babe is sooo laid back…and not whiney….n yeah…kind!!!