Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas came early…. YEAYYYY!!!

The guy that I wrote about (who were gonna leave the company) had decided to stay…..after a week of long deep prayers/thoughts...........

Of course...everyone was hoping and hoping and hoping and hoping that he would change his mind and stay…and a few of us really were praying hard for him...even this guy (his tennis n golf buddy) who previously wasn’t a praying kinda guy…..WOW!!!

R – Homey G, home-skillet…., I know you haven't left, but welcome back anyway…!!!!

Another “Christmas present” for us is one of the lady who works in the warehouse was dignosed with cervical cancer a couple of weeks ago.

She went back for her biopsy and we sent her tons of prayers and her biopsy came up NON cancerous!!!!!!!!!!!! Never – Never – Never underestimate the power of prayers and if you do pray, believe and you shall receive it!!!!!!