Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pastor wife heard about the news...and talked to me about love and endurance...etc.

Last night I caught up w/ some has been a while...most of 'em had heard the news and were was sooo good to be able to hear from 'em....especially my bro - E too...

About 10P I got a phone call asking me to meet everyone at Baker's Street Pub in Sugarland...
Morning came - church as usual...the message was powerful! I am renewed in the spirit!

Then I run around to get last minute crapolas before Wednesday! Stopped for lunch to meet w/ B-dearie...we had Korean....

I dropped off my bro his Christmas gift too....

I feel happy...content...blessed....and ready to face Monday......
OH BTW there is this one cutie guy @ the name of R.....he has been flirtie-flirt a lot....and this one chicka that is obviously liked him has been giving me a go-2-h don't touch my man kinda thingy....
R - is cute a mixture btw British and American...super chic...

Everytime she heard him came over to my area to chat...she would immediately be there in a mo' drama in my can have all of him!
Last week the power went off for about an all of us were just hangin' around chatting...after a while I took my cell phone and told him that it would be a good time to make a phone calls....he took his cell out and looked dead @ me he said: EXCEPT I don't have anyone to call.....oh pleaseeeeee I had to try soo hard not to roll my eyes a thousand you really want me to believe that a man like you don't have anyone to call....LMAO.....