Sunday, December 16, 2007

My -ex: "the guy w/ the new gal"....came by to pick me up...he took me to his music school so I could get lost in my own world playing classical tunes on the piano when he unpacked his drums from last night show.....

I had forgotten how much I love playing the's has always been such a soothing escape......when my mind is heavy....I love to run away by playing a few of my fave classical reminds me of my mom...she was a piano reminds me the time when I was a little gal, she would patiently teach me songs and sing along together............

I was there for about an hr...then he dropped me off back home.......he knew that the piano would definitely cheer me up!

The ultimate dream of a traveler is that.....being able to close her/his eyes and pin point any spot on a map and the next second he/she would be catching the next plane to that location for a long freedom, of choice and of responsibilities and commitments.

I had this discussion w/ A......he typed and I quote: "the best thing about traveling is as soon as the plane takes off you just forget about everything at home".....Oh, I so totally agree.......and then he asked me...if there....a place anywhere on earth that I would wanna be right now?

I couldn't realy think of one particular me as long as it is to somewhere far, somewhere nice...and for at least a few months....three...or maybe four...what about six? A year would be nice also.....where I would be departing for what I like to call, a mini globe conquest.

Places I've been in recent years and don't feel like visiting anytime soon: Holland, France (Paris), Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong.
Places I don't mind visiting again: South of France, Switzerland, Australia, Indonesia.....