Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I really enjoyed my life back in the city...LOL.....all my friends are mucho kewl....I had a drink w/ Tam....we really enjoyed our girly talk....

Work is busy - boss is super kewl....I talked to Bro R, KM, and T today during the power outage at work............I do miss them!! I am praying for Bro R....

I worked late bcz I am preparing report for the meeting tomorrow @ a different location again - geez twice in this week!!!...the weather is finally getting a bit had been sooo hot that I was running around w/ shorts over the weekend.............

Decided to meet some friends at a sushi place after work.....sumptuous dinner!

I was asked to go on a date ;) the third time from 3 different dudes.....this single life ain't bad after all.....I am taking it easy nothing heavy.....yeah....I am not just gonna jumped to another is all going to take time...actually I really enjoy my freedom at this moment.....I am not going to tangle myself w/ any boys ;) not for a while anyway.....
I am buying me a little place in 6 mos....LUV the place..
Tar, Nar and I are starting our own little business fact I am meeting her in ATL on the 19th before leaving to Melbourne!
I feel blessed.....
I feel peaceful....
I feel joyful
I fell content...
All praise to HIM!