Sunday, December 09, 2007

I used to think that mediocrity was scary.. to me, either be the best or nothing at all...but along the way .....I then realized that NOT everyone can be happy in the pursuit of excellence...

What's the point of doing well if you had to give up life's or your identity along the way? I've had that feeling before and it's even worse than being mediocre... because time and moments lost will never come again.

No matter how fancy schmancy I try to explain is a series of destinations and I just want to make each journey as happy as possible.
My journey here away from "him" has been very different...first I am sooo happy to be surrounded by familiar friends and my bro of courze....and I totally luv my "new project assignment" and my boss he is mucho great! But there is time when I do miss ATL....I feel like a stranger at my hometown....weird huh? Nevertheles, I am enjoying my friends...they keep me laughing....and I don't have time to think about "him"......I do still miss him a whole lot...but I don't regret my decision either....NEVER GO BACK...that's what I keep telling myself.....

2007 is coming to an end... It's amazing how time passes by so fast and how weird that a lot of things have happened in the past 365 days... and I know for sure I am a much wiser person as I am a year older ;)

When I start holding glasses of wine and gobbling down cheeses and crackers, I'll start pondering on my life... The past, present and well, of course, the future.... I've flushed down all my past in the plane's "lavatory cubicle"..on my way to HOU!!!! I'm still savouring the sweet, and sour of my present life but my future??? All the questions need to be answered but I am running away from all of least for now......

And I find myself, gradually, steadily, walking out, step by step out of his shadow...away from the shelter of his wings. As I gently kiss his feathers, drew the curtain of light, smile, look back and wave a hushed goodbye.
Last night I got on my knees and I asked HIM and HE answered: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27