Monday, December 17, 2007

I have been super busy at work doing last minute tasks before my boss is super kewl he told me that I could leave @ 1P tomorrow so I won't be rushing.....
These few days 2 0r 3 morning cups of coffee have been my faithful companion..........I have a whole lot of work to do for this project....!!!!
"I put my heart and soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process"
Van Gogh...LOL
December in Houston has been so mild....I could recall how cold it was last year in ATL....bro R...told me that ATL has been in the 20s....geez and Houston's high is like about that!
I am all packed and ready to go!!! And this might be my last entry for this year...since I am not sure if I would have much time to update......I just wanna wish everyone - a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year....!!!!!!
WOW... that's all I can say. talk about dropping a bomb right on the head. I guess I always knew. I guess the signs were always there... I just didn't look too much into it, never paid enough attention. and now that I'm piecing everything together, it starts to make a lot of sense. It's kinda weird, really. I'm trying to wrap my head around it but at the same time I feel like I've been expecting it all along, like somehow I just knew about it....I wish I could say more about it but this is one can of worms I wouldn't be touching. I guess i just gotta let this one slide, no matter how much it affects me....if only I knew what to make of this whole thing.

Gosh, you meet different types of people in life, and there are those who you know are true friends and then, there are the acquaintances.
To me a true friend is some-one who would be there for you whenever; rain or shine. They don't judge you, but they aren't afraid of telling you when you're wrong and even go the extra mile to save your ass. They'll come over uninvited, share anything from secrets, information, stories, jokes, feelings and advice. They'll be there for you and understand when you need your time to be alone. They are loving, generous and supportive, even protective and genuine.