Monday, December 24, 2007

The journey was waaaaaaay tooooooo long.....I was losing my patience...but when I finally made it...I was sooo glad that we decided to meet at this's breathtakingly beautiful....
Observing the people at the 3 airports:
Je vois toujours des visages contentes quand j'suis a l'aeroport.. c'est la ou les amoureux s'attendent, les familles se reunissent.. des sourires et des larmes partout.
On my first day - I got to enjoy Coopers....w/ my Coopers buddy: sis-in-law.....
Coopers - Australian beer company (Australia's sole remaining family owned brewery).....contains no additives or favorite beer since my first Sydney visit in 2005.....
I had a kewl sis-in-law who also enjoys drinks occasionally....... LOL....but the difference is she had to have her pilsner glass to drink it w/ and me? just straight out of the bottle......LOL..LOL...
Yeah...yeah to those fancy-dainty beer-drinkers.... I know the red label Coopers is sparkling ale (considered light) so pilsner will be the right glass to drink it w/....whatever....whatever.... drinking beer out straight out of the bottle used to horrified the ex-Frenchie or even the German Dude!!! Oh unlady like of me! LOL....

Christmas eve was a very peaceful is all about HIS never-ending love to us....I never cease to be amazed of how much blessings God had given me.
And then it was off for a BBQ after... lots of food and wine.. LOL…I ate tons....I think..
It has been a nicey vacation sooo far and it is just the beginning.....I have lots to update................
Although it's been said many times, many ways, "Merry Christmas to you."