Sunday, December 02, 2007

It's finally over!!! I can breathe again.....
If you have lived, take thankfully the past. ~ John Dryden
This entry is for those who would not understand my decisions......
Whose life isn't envious when everything is peachy on the surface?
But how many of you know that I have battled through life traumas (like others) through out these years underneath this peachy display? I've outlived the worst days, haven't I? Including losing both of my parents (my mom due to long illness and the freaked fatal accident of my Dad)....but I through it all.....have no regrets or grudge. I'm just glad that my faith has helped me to survive my nightmares...........I am so thankful everyday of all the blessings I have been given.....I am thankful to be me..........I am thankful for HIS never-ending love.....