Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Babe is doing okay ….he seems to be settling in just fine. I can’t wait for HIM to come back FOR GOOD!!!….It seems like an eternity. It’s a completely different ball game when your other half SOOOO FAR AWAY…out of the country, it’s a lot worst I DO feel.

His mom has been trying so hard to make me feel at ease lately…BUT…I can’t say much about the rest of the GANK….!!!

Cuz when you out by yourself… have SO much more to miss, that it actually makes things easier to forget, but when you have THAT ONE IMP thing missing then things become harder...strange but true...think it through you’ll understand what I mean...

N-E-Wayz…….I betta run now...See you in a couple of days...!!!!

Love you!!!!!!