Monday, March 19, 2007

And there was my lovely Sunday sealed with a kiss… and yes still all in all, it was quite a beautiful week with more ups than downs…the fashion ministry show went great, the meeting was productive too….I love the everyone being so passionate about the ministry.

I'm not quite ready for Monday yet…SIGH!!! . All good stuffs are filled up on weekends, then, any leftover is drag onto wee morning like now. I am an early birds as usual, this is my working life is all about….he…he….it could easily drain and sap everything in us until Friday arrives…but….hey….I determine to make everyday fell like Christmas…to get merry and celebrate with love ad hug….I refused to have Monday blues….

Now I understand if you work late into the day and get tired and arm with other priorities, it can be a little challenging to balance things up. So coming week, I'm going to meet you my friends! JEN - let me know about Thursday, I want to make time for you! I want local yummies, hehehe. With a Monday to Friday fully pack with work, my favorite place has to be at home, watching movies and eating takeaways………so patiently waiting for the WEEKEND…especially this weekend with no meeting…I am looking forward to sleep in….LOL!!!