Monday, March 12, 2007

I was sitting in a local café with some friends and overheard a conversation from one married man (mm1) to another (mm2). They were basically talking crap about having extra-marital affairs with some gals/dancers/waitresses from some clubs..and they both were laughing as if it was such a GRAND thing to do! And they were talking (LOUDLY OBNOXIOUS) about how these gals were just throwing ‘emselves at them…blah…blah..blah and how they are able to juggle between gfs and wifey…I tried not to BARF!!!

Oh LORD!! It reminds me of my neighbor upstairs….he was always too friendly, flirty with me…every time I am outside at the parking lot going to throw my trash, cleaning my car, checking my mail or even going to the gym…he was like offering me to help or just making lame remarks…and I always declined him politely….I DO know that he got a lil baby boy and wifey....(EVEN if he doesn’t have a wifey or baby boy…he is still not someone that I would be interested in!!!)…N-E-WAYZ….his wifey…always gives me a “GO TO H*LL” look every time she sees me…I was like OKAY??? WHY???? I have DONE NOTHING…and I am not interested of your sorry ass MAN….but at the same time I DO feel sorry for her…maybe she knows that he is such a flirt that she has always on the look out for other women….so I prayed for her….and I happened to run into her again yday…and I made sure to smile politely to her…she didn’t smile back but I didn’t care….oh well….!!! You know I saw him watching from his window all the time…he gives me a creep about it!!!!

MEN, no matter how loyal, faithful and crazily in love with you (or so they seem) in the beginning, some day, especially when they are rich and successful, their resistance to sexual allure become weaker!! Many would hungrily jump at young, pretty beings. I’ve been seeing so many people getting divorced, having affairs and cheating on their partners and telling ltons of lies. I have DEFINITELY seen it all WITH MY OWN EYES.

Marriage is a huge commitment of two stay and grow together in different types of life’s situations….that's is the reason why I think that to enter in the matrimony, a couple should put God’s FIRST…and let HIM be the forefront in their marriage...and that is how it will last they love GOD with all their heart....they would continue to love each other.....