Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I ABSOLUTELY **HEART** Grocery Shopping!!! LMAO!!!! I can easily take my time…going through every aisle looking at the nutrition labels, and appreciate the products behind those kewl marketing (packaging) strategies.

He…he…come on gurls…admit it!!! We gals loveee grocery shopping and we are suckers for beautiful packaging! It's no wonder why so many of us dig those cutesy Japanese goods, because most of them are wrapped up individually like small little bundle of surprise! He..he…I remembered back in my hometown in TEXAS…. …my ex-bf and I used to have our late night binge with Peach/Blueberries cobblers and the marathon of Twilight Zone…. I would always be the person who offered to pick up anything at my (STILL do) neighborhood’s fave GROCERY STORE: HEB….LOL…the guy would end up worrying about me and would call me on my cellph…bcuz the 10 mins run in n out would at times turned to 30 mins or MORE of browsings…LOL…LOL…

I absolutely **DOUBLE HEART** my life!! I love this year, and I'm going to work extra hard to secure my relationships with people in my life. Life is good when you are less bothered about stupid things. Also if you know they ain't your friends, leave them be, keep your circle small and tight - DO be nice to everyone!