Monday, March 05, 2007

I've realized how small and petty people can be, and the things they'd do to drag you down.

I didn't stoop to their level, I stuck to my ground, I held onto my faith/beliefs.. and..

They.. realizing that their antics have been proven ineffective, tried even harder to provoke me.

I don't want to waste my time on people like them.

Let alone, getting upset and pissed just because of them.

I don't want, and WE don't need their money…even though he has a right to it but GOD will provide.


Another thingy, is this “guy” at work…he used to be a preacher until he got tangled up with this woman who worked at the Parts Department (See my previous entry)…

He was trying so hard to kiss everyone’s asses, especially the Upper Management… a point that people around him (especially me) can’t stomach anymore…I want to PUKE….my thing is these people that he kisses asses would stab him in the back… a minute….

I tried O’ Lord I tried not to let him get to me…but it is hard…so hard…!!!!

Another Ass-Kisser is this guy...whom we called "PetRock"...he is in cloud nine at this of the engineer is moving away and another one is in the process of he really thinks...he reaaaaaaaaaaally thinks he is going to be in he is already started....he spends about 3 hrs now at one of the manager's office (Chia Pet)....kissy-kissy.