Sunday, March 04, 2007


As is the case with THE DAILY PRODUCTION CONTROL meetings.....there will always be one or two jokers in the meetings....who think they are livening up the meetings...."witty" banter and "cheeky" one-liners... but who don't seem to realize that I am not laughing along with them and who don't seem to understand the concept of "enough". I lost count of the number of times I rolled my eyeballs at the lame, unfunny, dumb, moronic and downright irritating remarks that spewed forth from the JOKERS' mouths at the rate of once every 5 minutes or so. Add to this the fact that the meetings are already too long - and I am becoming increasingly agitated by the minute. Muttering "OMG" several times, putting my head in my hands and banging my head on the table clearly wasn't good enough, I wish I had turned to the JOKER(S) and told him or them to SHUT THE F*&K UP. Christ, I can't decide which is worse: DUMB PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU ARE THE DUMB ONE...or DUMB PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY ARE REALLY SMART!!!!