Friday, November 02, 2007

United Airlines SUX big time!!!!!
A second time poor customer service w/ incompetent employees!!!!!!!! The first time when I my trip to Sydney w/ United....

And this time they lost my visitor luggage....12 hrs later after my arrival, they still unable to locate the DARN luggage...all they said that it was last scanned in HK to go to ATL through Chicago....DUH....!!!

She waited for her luggage in Chicago to check through Customs and it wasn't there, when she asked all they told her is that it might be going straight to ATL...WTF????? Every luggages from overseas have to be checked through U.S. Customs....for security they telling me that it might be passing through straight to ATL itself is telling me that it is not a RIGHT thing to do for the security of this country...OMG!

Then of course when she arrived in ATL, the luggage is not I just called the and spoke w/ Baggage Claim Representative (14 hrs from ATL arrival)....and they still don't know where the luggage is...OMG....and one of the Rep offered me a $25 United Airline gift certificate...that did it....I was pissed then...I asked her can my friend wear "a $25 United Airline gift certificate" during her stay here??????????? WTF.....that's like telling her...I know you got big gap of cut w/ blood flowing out...but just use this band-aid to take care of it....GEEZ...she doesn't want the stinky $25 gift cert...she wants her clothes...her luggage...her underwear...her make up...and especially after such a poor customer service...why would she or even I be flying w/ United ever again??????????????????????????????????????