Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.
Jeremiah 17:7
Lord, I am trusting YOU as a child who is walking with her father. I know won't go in the wrong direction or the wrong way, and You, my Father are not going to fall for You are safe and secure. If the ground is uneven or unstable, Father Lord you will support me and will guide me into safe paths.
I will not lean on my own understanding, I will not rely on my own intellect, training, experience more than I really on God......
Even though I need to use all these things that are given to me, my primary reliance should be on You Father Lord becz human understanding is limited, our experience is small and incomplete compare to YOU, the Creator of the universe..., we also only "see through a glass, darkly." (1 Corinthians 13:12) Our vision is clouded. Our perspective is inadequate.
Therefore Father, I solely rely on you....
You will bless my move, You will bless my new work, You will bless my new tasks and responsibilities, You will bless my new apartment....everything Lord....
Thank you in advance,
Your daughter: Call-Me-Miz-M