Friday, November 16, 2007

Can you believe 2007 is almost gone by and we're less than a month and a half away from 2008?? Many things have happened this year...many good things, for me personally, and hopefully, 2008 will bring more happiness and blessings...

I want to be this happy everyday.....LORD!

Yday they threw a lil going away party for me...thanx C, KM, T, Bro, R, TEI, J, M & J, SM and D........I will miss yawl greatly......Tei and Bro were teary-eyed....I was in is a turning point of my life.....

Everyone around me is moving on.....I am moving on myself.....all of us are just trying to live and survive..... Even the familiar doesn't seem close anymore. I could be surrounded by friends but feel that I wasn't being understood at times....

Honey, I love you deeply still, but these arguments are killing know I really hate it when we fight....and lately we have been....I can't breathe...I can't me me...I am reaching out to you....please don't let me go through this change alone.........
What you asked from me...making me....feel like a fish stuck in the bowl

I am trying to find hope beyond the scope.......

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing to bless me. Thank You for opening the windows of heaven in my life. I choose to be obedient to Your Word. I choose to be a giver. I choose to be a faithful steward of Your resources. In Jesus’ Name. Amen....