Sunday, November 18, 2007

A long long time ago, if I had discovered that a friend of mine had done something faithless – lie, deceive, mislead, spread rumours, and/or betray me – I would have fallen into pieces. Bcz never in my wildest dreams would I imagine him/her doing somtg as such to me.....

BUT...nowadayz....I simply stumble a lil', brush it off and carry on w/ my it doesn't affect me as much anymore...I found myself to be so much wiser....and carefree.....

You know who you are..and yeah...I didn't know that you have been saying all these mean and hurtful things about me to my HUN....oh’re now no longer worth my time. Questions, I still have many....

Why would you say stuff like that when you know damn well it’s not true? Why would you want to feed useless, baseless ‘information’ to others? Does it give you a sadistic kind of pleasure to see others in pain? Unbelievable!

And to you, the Listeners especially you BABE!: GEEZ, why don’t yawl ever check your sources? Or seek clarification on things? Instead, you believe every word and end up stomping off in a mad huff. Sheesh! I swear, your gullibility is astounding.

So now, I’d rather maintain a dignified silence. I don’t owe anybody any explanations becz, heck, nobody ever asked for it before! Why start now ey? I stopped caring about what people think many years ago. Life’s too short. Honestly. I’m guilt-free. I am happy.
If you are not, that’s simply not my problem, sweetheart.....not my all!

I heard that you are soo envious of jealous of who I am and what I do and what I have...listen here!! mom had alwayz told me this when I was a little girl: If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything. If you look at what you have in life, you have happy of yourself..of you...who you are what you have accomplished what you do....quit comparing urself w/ for me...I am just a simple, carefree, unique (so I was told by someone lately) gal...who loves God and life...and ME and her friends and fams....just me...the real me.....
--------------------------------- won't have access to my blog no more....bcz you have proven me that you took my personal thoughts and turn it around to hurt me....and hurt my babe too....

And as for him...hun...I don't let you in my blog bcz this is my personal space that I want only to share w/ a few friends/fams who really know me...who are scattered all around the globe and most of the time......the only way for us to catch up is through reading our musings....I vent a lot in this blog....I don't want to not being able to write my thoughts...that now I know you are going to read my venting heart......and judge me......

I do agree that LDR sux and we must do smtg about being together...but I don't wanna fight anymore..I never like it and refuse to!.....marriage isn't the key to solve our relationship....if you choose to walk away right will hurt me tremendously..but I will move on....the pain will go away eventually.......for sure.....
I'm 5 days away in making a new life....and all you are doing is smothering me 'til I can't breathe.....