Monday, November 19, 2007

GEEZ....enjoyed the pool game...but more I enjoyed the champagne...especially served for MOI....WOW..thanx.....!!!

And I know card messages can be such a FAKEY.....I just helped a guy friend write a card for this chick he digs. Somehow, I feel like I've done something wrong to all the women out there. But then again, his heart really is there in the first place....he..he...that's what the fuss is all about right? LMAO....!!

I completely had forgotten my dinner appointment w/ J...sorry - sorry - when he called to remind me...I couldn't eat another bite of food but I invited him to drop by my place for a cup of coffee...... :) :) :)

J is my faithful friend who has been there for me since my day one in ATL....he was the one who I took to shop my-first-survival-winter-gears...bcz most of my Houston coats/trenches/jackets ain't warm enough for cold ATL winter!!

So he came over for a cuppa of coffee...he is supporting my decision....whatever I he said...
I went to lunch earlier today w/ KM (the V.P), Bro R the GEN MGR of H.R., T - my bff....KM is such a good guy...I am going to miss him!!! I will miss him calling me Bella, I will miss buggin' him everyday @ his office askin' him silly riddles....even on his busy schedule...he would always have time for my silliness....the guy is such a good leader...I have sooo much respect of him.....he is a straight forward person...with a big heart...he is tough...only to those who don't perform...but for those who do their work - won't have any problm w/ him at all....he has this daily apt book - I asked him bfore I leave if I could write stuff on it...first he said no...then I asked him again...saying plzzzzzzzzzzz w/ big ol smile, he looked at me I smiled again BIGGER...and he sighed...then he said I wrote my last day on his daily apt: NO MORE BELLA....ha...ha......and we have this inside joke about whoever leave the company - everyone who is left behind would be allowed to blame that person leaving for everything n anything....for the next 3 mos after his/her then I put down on his daily planner too the date when "blaming-Bella-expires"....he would look 3 mos and see that....ha..ha....LOL!

The last project he asked me to do...I wrote on the posted note: "Bella's very last project for KM", he looked at it and he said awwwwwwwww, he also said he would frame it!!!

I will miss bein' the spoillie-one in the office...I will miss being silly w/ bro R, and KM, and J, and S, and T, and M-M, and C, and J, sheeeeeeeesh.....when afterwards...when they gave me a big old hug this time...I got...teary eyed..!!!

Oh KM also said that he would definitely show up on my "DAY"

BTW news travel fast....the German dude emailed me earlier to congratulate me....I was like geez did you find out??????? WOW!