Saturday, November 17, 2007

Leaving ATL for gud in a few days......

I was talking with a friend and he asked me: "who is the one person who makes your days seem brighter?" and it didn't take me long to answer. I am not the type of person who likes to have a whole lot of acquaintances who think they know me, yet have absolutely no clues of the real me. I do, however, have a group of select friends who bring a whole new meaning to the word. I know that if anything were to ever happen to me, they would only be one call away..and although these treasures know exactly who they are, I feel as though I don't show them enough gratitude. I, myself think that I sometimes take advantage of them. From the late night phone/bitching sessions, to the café nights, late night adventures to the middle of nowhere and I mustn't forget the guys who drive me from here to there. I cannot express enough gratitude towards them for just being apart of my life. They have been there through the best and the worst of times and have seen me grow and mature into the person I am today. But when this question was put to me… the one person who never ceases to make my day and amazes me with his ability to put the needs of others before his own. I do and will always remember what he has done for me…from picking me up to coming to visit me when I get sick. Many times, even though I was feeling like crap, you were still able to bring a smile to my face. And for that, I want to thank you. :]

He is;
+ The first person I call when I need to bitch.

+ The last person I usually talk to before going to bed.
+ The one person who knows more about me than anyone else, even myself.
+ The one who laughs at both my good and bad/sucky jokes.
+ One of the few people who have seen me without makeup, in my pj's, not a good look.
+ The one who has seen both the good and bad in me.
+ The one who has been here right beside me during the past relationships I’ve had.
+ The one who has lent me his shoulder for all my tears.
+ The one who laughs with me until we're both running for the restroom
+ The one who I drag along shopping with me.
+ The one who buy me little gifts, which to me, are priceless.
+ The one who is always up for my randomness and stupidity.
+ Without a doubt, going to be there for many years to come.

Yet ..

He is just a friend and that's all he will ever be to me…since that very first meeting with you all those years back, never have I ever doubted your friendship nor have I ever regretted all the times I’ve had with you. This is only the beginning buddy..whether you like it or not, I am here to stay! Always...