Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It seems to me - a new beginning has begun for many of us.......there is an appointed time for everything...

Tomorrow is K's last day...he resigned about 2 weeks ago after providing 7 yrs of service w/ the company since its started...he is the Acctg MGR/Controller....

K along w/ R (the HR GM), KM (VP Purch), T (Sales Coord), M (Purch. Asst), C (Engr), J (Accts. Pyb/Rec), S (Acct) and MOI - are very close alwayz makin' the crazy workplace fun by doin' silly things....to keep all of us goin'....
K is also my pig-out buddy....

It is sad but of courze...@ the same I'm excited for him n' wishin' him all the best for his new job.....

We'll definitely miss u lotz...

As a goin' away gift....we got him his faves: a Hershey Dark Chocolate bar, 6 packs of Wrigley's Spearmint gum, a dozen of Lance's assorted crackers, 8 small packs of Frito Lay's assorted chips, and a bag of Wholly Healthy all natural chocolate chip cookies....all these goodies put in a bag
...and we call it: K's-Two-Weeks-New-Job-Survival-Kit........
Sayin' good bye is alwayz not easy......au revoir...adieu....keep in touch plz