Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Things I will miss about ATL:

The weather....even though it is a 'lil bit too cold in the Winter for my liking...but still it is very nice....and the Fall foliage is ooooh soooo romantically beautiful

Atlantic Station - my regular hang out....

All my kewl new buddies here...sis and bro J, bro R, KM, T, T, S, J, S, K, L, I, M, J, S, C, J....oh my gosh...I collected quite a bit of friends in almost 2 yrs I am here......

My church...

My little cozy "home" w/ gym......

My current job (MOST of the ppl there are pretty kewl)

Georgia scenery...the great Texas is flat.....Georgia is hill-y....scenic....mountain-y...

The many historical landmarks....

Southern hospitality - ppl here are pretty laid back when driving....

My solitude? at times only......and...believe it or not...

ATL airport...the busiest airport in the U.S....(the airport where I met my hun.... ;) lol!!)

I am still MOST DEFINITELY excited to have a new beginning......thank you - thank you - thank you LORD!!!!

Many many thanx for all the prayers - ALL my Dearies....and steps of leaving ATL to start a new life is getting closer and closer.....

The "Other Deal" called as the Int Posting had expired....HR had sent some supplement forms for me to complete before sending me an offer....tomorrow....just one step away from getting an step away......

An offer...praise GOD....I will not take any credit - the fact is GOD has trully been the ONE who open this door guide me through it all the way.......all I am doing is just trusting Him and standing on His promises.......NOTHING is impossible through HIM!!!!!
Thank you Father God...thank you.......

I love Snoopy n' the gang.....

Last night "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" was on TV (ABC)....I had to watch even though I had watched it sooo many times.... :) :)

Heavenly Father, thank You for leading and guiding me.
Thank You for taking me higher into new places of favor and blessing.
Help me to hear Your voice more clearly so that I will honor You today and always.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Rockets last night played against Lakers....
From FOX Sport:
Shane Battier made a tiebreaking 3-pointer with 2.5 seconds left, and the Houston Rockets withstood a furious rally from Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers in a 95-93 victory on Tuesday night.

Bryant scored 45 points, 18 in the fourth quarter, in a comeback that fell just short.
Tracy McGrady scored 30 points, Yao Ming had 25 points and 12 rebounds, and the Rockets made Rick Adelman's debut as their coach a success.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Someone sent me this link on youtube...

OMG - I had to hold back my sad!!!! What a bunch of disrespectful piece of sh*t....!!! That old man could be anyone's dad/grandparent....and on top of that after pulling 3 of their sorry a**es to the destination...they refused to pay SIN$10.00 = which is only equal to 6.88729 US Dollar or ONLY 3.34791 British Pound (accdg to tday's 10/30/07 conversion rates) because these 3 guys are definitely British by their the end...they gave him only half = SIN$5.00 after the old man continuously asking for the money owed...accdg to one of them: that's the amount he deserved bcz he was supposedly "too f*ing slow"

And one of the three actually put the video at youtube...thinking it was funny?

UNFREAKING real!!!!!

Fall is definitely here...beautfl leaves are all around.....the weather is also getting colder here in the high is in the mid '60s....geez....

I received an email yday eve from the "other deal" - my "future boss" is still confirming his interest in getting me in the project once the "int" posting expires.....

I have been planning places to go for my overseas visitor.......all around ATL and surrounding areas....

Father God...please make the visit as pleasant as possible w/out a lot of problems and I am still trusting You completely regarding my future path......

Monday, October 29, 2007

Presence of God

At the still point of my turning world,
At the core of my being,
I wait to hear and feel the gentle presence of God,
Who guide me to the right path according to His glory,
Lord, I am now ready to go to that place You've prepared for me.

BoSox sweep Rockies...won the World Series.... :(
MONDAY again....and it will be a decision week for me.......LORD, I need you more than ever to make a right decision...what do YOU want me to do, LORD?

Drought continue in ATL....

Also this week - I'll have a visitor from overseas....

This weekend...this one gal from Jpn that reconnected w/ me (after 20 yrs) through myspace.....had somewhat betrayed my trust.....I confided something very private to her and even though I asked her not to contact "that person" she went ahead to do that and told me after the fact....WTF????? Just prove that true friends are hard to find...*sigh*

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I am planning or places for us to overseas visitor will be arriving on Nov 1
I am choosing all the kewl places to go...bcz after all it also might be my last time for me to do a good sightseeing of ATL and the surrounding areas before my "departure"......!!!

Thx VN-Gal u r such a wonderful friend....she once again help me to fix my crazy blog..!!!

Sunday has almost been a blah day for me...I guess just the anticipation of the next day: Monday...!

A glass of rose on the beach on Sunday - is a perfect end of a wonderful thinking weekend...

I have been doing a lot of thinking the things I need to do in case I choose to take the "other deal"...

I Need to discuss w/ Camden MGT the relocation option - leaving ATL - staying in another Camden Property until (at least) my lease is up (in April '08)..then contact movers and obtain quotes, pick a mover....
Turn in my notice.....notify all my current utility companies...request to buy my current notebook if possible from my current company
Turn in my cell-phone back to my the company....
Rent a U-Haul, hook my old car and drive to the new destination...??

Adieu party w/ my ATL friends....

I will add more to this list as needed.....

When I get to the destination:

Set up my new APT, connect utilities, get a cell phone, trade in my car w/ a more reliable one.....oh boy...sooooo busy....I need help....!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dear Mistake,

I can't turn back the hands of time and change you. How I wish I could. But I can't. I hope one day, I'll be granted the chance to make it right again. I hope we will be alright. Next time around, I hope we'll make it right....but as for now...I am just going to close the book and move on....forward....forgiving myself and trusting God.....


Friday, October 26, 2007

Lunchy w/ bro R...@ Thurston...Mediterranean salad and grilled portobello sandwich on wheat.....super delish...!!!
Le weekend! Ca me fait plaisir....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is a destiny, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lord plz help the victims and the firefighters in Southern California...

Now that he is in Paris the Frenchie-ex-a.k.a-Bozo felt that he needs to keep emailing me on the regular basis....

My gosh u crazy dude! I don't wanna hear from u! DUH, there's reason why I haven't replied to any of ur lame'z bcz I don't wanna hear from ur sorry-a**????!!!
................and the sun keeps shinin' as long as we keep smilin'

Today I am in agreement with this scripture:

Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7 AMP)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thank you has been raining off and on pretty hard all day tday and so I heard will continue tmrw....

YEAYYYYY it'z rainin' preeeeaaaty hard....!!!

Also, I read about today's scripture....God is reminding me that I am well-equipped....

"Every scripture is God-breathed…so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well-fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17 AMP)

Monday, October 22, 2007

GOD's perfect timing in my life.....
I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on Him. I have put my hope in His word....Psalm 130:5

It's drizzling right now.......and....
"THE OTHER DEAL" contacted me again this morning...somehow...I have the peace that everything is going to be okay...I know that of the LORD!!!!

It is Monday again....
Lord, we need rain......provide us with some rain, oh Lord!
Gone is the weekend freedoms = being able to wear clothes that DONT RESTRICT THE AMOUNT OF FOOD I CAN EAT..........!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sometimes having "too many options" isn't a good thing.
Do I choose the road less traveled?
I've never been good at choosing the more risky option..

Lord help me to choose the right path......

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth

Then took the other as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet, knowing how way leads onto way
I doubted if I should ever come back

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference

Robert Frost

Friday, October 19, 2007

This drought in ATL has gone way too long...and too far....*SIGH*..everyone here is talking about the limited water supply....

Please GOD let it rain...pour out the rain....

Letz pray for rain...ppl!!!
My auntie, uncle, cousins, second cousins from CT, OK and CA....TMRW....
It is Friday Nite and I am actually peacefully @ home....YEAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I have a good French movie to watch: Avenue Montaigne....
I have complete faith that God is in control of my path.....

I know the "OTHER deal" wants me to start ASAP bcz of the project....but I do have other commitments here in ATL:

I have the test in D.C after THXGVG day, I have a relative coming down to see me for 10 days starting Nov 1, then also what about the round trip tickets I have purchased for Christmas and New Year....????

I informed the "OTHER deal" about these upcoming schedules...haven't received any reply letz just see what happens...
I'm not going to worry, I'm not going to over-think is all in HIS hands...He knows my heart and what I would want in my life.......but it is none of me but all of YOU, for Your glory.....
I love you, LORD...w/ all my heart......

Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27)

I do love darlin'......
but for now can we plzz hang up the phone.....
go away and leave me in peace, k?????
You're messin' up my mind.
I'm soooo - sooooo tired now...... *kiss*

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It seems to me - a new beginning has begun for many of us.......there is an appointed time for everything...

Tomorrow is K's last day...he resigned about 2 weeks ago after providing 7 yrs of service w/ the company since its started...he is the Acctg MGR/Controller....

K along w/ R (the HR GM), KM (VP Purch), T (Sales Coord), M (Purch. Asst), C (Engr), J (Accts. Pyb/Rec), S (Acct) and MOI - are very close alwayz makin' the crazy workplace fun by doin' silly keep all of us goin'....
K is also my pig-out buddy....

It is sad but of courze...@ the same I'm excited for him n' wishin' him all the best for his new job.....

We'll definitely miss u lotz...

As a goin' away gift....we got him his faves: a Hershey Dark Chocolate bar, 6 packs of Wrigley's Spearmint gum, a dozen of Lance's assorted crackers, 8 small packs of Frito Lay's assorted chips, and a bag of Wholly Healthy all natural chocolate chip cookies....all these goodies put in a bag
...and we call it: K's-Two-Weeks-New-Job-Survival-Kit........
Sayin' good bye is alwayz not revoir...adieu....keep in touch plz


if i love You

if i love You
(thickness means worlds inhabited by roamingly
stern bright faeries if you love me)
distance is mind carefully
luminous with innumerable gnomes of complete dream
if we love each (shyly)
other, what clouds do or silently flowers resembles beauty
less than our breathing

Monday, October 15, 2007

I would not place my trust in myself.....only a proud fool does that.......

"He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered. He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered" (Proverbs 28:25,26).

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5,6).

I'm standing on these two Bible verses....for my current situation...

It's Monday again....time is moving very fast for me.......

I dunno the outcome and how to make the right decision w/ these two opportunities extended to me......but I'm not going to be fearful and worried bcz I trust HIM that HE will guide me to the right direction......He will never fail!
On the other hand...I know if I choose to take the "OTHER deal" is not like I am going back but as a matter of fact I am moving previous life was all in the past, the old me is no longer exist...I'm not the same as I used to be..........I now will have a new beginning.....nothing stays the same and everything has its season......

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Last night was such a blast....I am glad I came...I was gonna hide out and stay home bcz of the weather and the much needed sleep................

Thanx T - u are such a great friend....she refused to take NO-I-WANT-2-STAY-HOME for an answer... ;)

All of us met at Atlantic Station....I am gonna mizz that place now.....but then there are soooo many neat places in Houston too.....

A.S was packed full of ppl....Atlanta is hosting the BET awards (this weekend) many ppl just hangin' out about..having fun.......

So there we were walkin', window-shoppin', chattin', drinkin', laughin', eatin', laughin' some more....havin' a wonderful time....

Then we decided to see the Tyler Perry's movie: Why Did I Get Married....I have always like his movie bcz there are always sooo many messages of Faith...

The cinema is sooooo jammed packed.....we got tickets for the midnight show.....and.............I LIKE the MOVIE!!!!!!!! It was definitely a good movie about FAITH, love, relationship, marriage, and friendship............I got the message totally....

These 4 gals - best friends from college - each has to overcome an issue about herself in her marriage, one girl is overworked, the other is overweight, one is over the top and another one is over perfect......such a great - real life issues.....that anyone can relate to.....

Needless to say I didn't get home 'til 3A, now at 8A I am getting ready to head out the door for a busy SAT.....

LORD give me strength!

Friday, October 12, 2007

BRRRRR the weather tonight is 45 degree what's up w/ that???? I am supposed to meet some friends tngt at my fave spot Atlantic Station....


I heard from the "OTHER deal" again this afternoon...the guy replied to my thank you email..he said things are looking good and will discuss w/ me about it on Monday....
Lord, when I came to YOU....I specifically asked you to close wrong door and open the right one for me....this sudden opportunity is sooo unexpected....but I trust in YOU that if this is from YOU than everything will go smoothly....
I loveeeeeeeee this song from Chris Daughtry - OVER YOU....

All of us must agree that we do need a gud break-up song one time or more in our lifetime....

Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,
Like an old abandoned house.
What you said when you left
Just left me cold and out of breath.
I fell too far, was in way too deep.
Guess I let you get the best of me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
And I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

You took a hammer to these walls,
Dragged the memories down the hall,
Packed your bags and walked away.
There was nothing I could say.
And when you slammed the front door shut,
A lot of others opened up,
So did my eyes so I could see
That you never were the best for me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
And I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,

I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

Well, I never saw it coming.
And I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.

Well, I never saw it coming.
And I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
Well I'm putting my heart back together,
'Cause I got over you.
Well I got over you.
I got over you.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

Yay it’s friday!!*beams*

I love the WEEKEND

We are doing a charity fashion show on Saturday @ the Church......and I hope it's fun :)

I am a bit confused now...since unexpected opportunity came up yday.....
Should I wait for the other one in Nov....or should I jump for this one right away.....????

God, I know Your timing is always perfect...

I declare Faith in You. . . . anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek Him. Hebrew 11:6

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Both my home n' my cell phone have been ringing like crazy....

I love everyone - those who tries to contact me to check up on chat....but at the same time the constant ringing is driving me insane too....*SIGH*

I am torn in between leaving both phones right by my bed stand as I always put 'em or just switch the ringers I can have a good night sleep (EVEN IF IT IS JUST FOR ONE NIGHT)......but ever since my dad's tragic accident that claimed his life....I now sleep w/ my phones....I am afraid to be out of touch in case of the that time when my bros and sis-in-law tried and tried to contact - to inform me about dad..(I was out of town for work assignment), I had accidentally switched my cell off on that fateful day....

Now, here in GA - my work schedule is pretty darn crazy...I am at work everyday 6A, and it takes me about 45 mins or so driving on the highway to get to work, so I usually sleep pretty darn early...unfortunately....and I know some of my pals (including hun) want to chat at night...but I am dead by then......since I have to get up super early about 4:30A...........

So tonight is the night (MAYBE - LOL)...I am planning to sleep in and turned off all phones....(I think)....I'm so in need of sleeping w/out interruptions....
On another ex-Frenchie guy keeps sending me email...even though I haven't returned any of his email.... :(

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yday evening...on my way to my apt. gym I looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow....I remember that Rainbows are God's reminder of His promises....He is good and He will never fail us...even though sometimes we feel like we are traveling to a dead end, He will prevail something spectacular along the way to assure we are heading towards the right direction.

I have sooo much going on in my life now...that I need a 'lil breather.....

Also, I have been craving some good caviars on blinis (Russian buckwheat pancakes).....

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I have been very busy lately....running around...too much to do...too little time.....etc....

There are times when I surely do miss my solitude-me-moment doing nothing (especially on the weekend) it seems to me...I am just way toooooo busy constantly...having some kind of things to do.....

LORD, help me give me the strength to accomplish all these tasks......I can do all things through YOU!!!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

I'm actually in a relatively chirpy mood today.....

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I got tagged by J......soooo here we go!

The phone rings, who do you want it to be?
- beloved long lost friend

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
- say, 78% of the time

If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
- yes, yes, yes oh yes.... ;)

Do you take compliments well?
- depends on who dished out the compliment

Do you play Sudoku?
- yeah

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
- *laughs* yessss.......i think!

If your house were on fire, what would be the first thing you would save?
- my family first before myself

Who do you text the most?
- my "dearie" ;)

Fav children's book?
- Charlotte’s Web - still cry when I read or watch it....

Eye color?
- dark-ish dark brown

How tall are you?
- 5' 1 and 1/3"

If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you?
- yes why not?

Favorite ex..?
- the Texan drummer after our 13 yrs relationship...he is now my closest friend.....

Do you like mustard?
- yes, the taste and the color both

Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
- sleep please

Do you miss anyone?
- i am missing a lot of people

What movie do you want to see right now?
- Ratatouille

What's the last letter of your middle name?
- the letter “a”

Do you like Care Bears?

- hee! yes yes and yes!!

What do you buy at the m
- plain popcorn no butter....

Do you know how to play poker?
- yes but i suck at it

Do you wear your seat belt?

- of course, always

What do you wear to sleep?
- super c
omfy girly-gal PJ

Is your hair straight or curly?
- super straight

Is your tongue pierced?
- no, i simply bcz I dont wanna deal w/ the pain...especially after experiencing having my belly button pierced....

Do you like funny or serious people better?
- i like a good laugh and a mentally stimulating conversation.. that didn't answer the Q, did it?

Who is on your mind right now?
- i'm keeping it carefully blank ;)

Any plans 4tonight?
- haven't made up my mind yet.. will probably go out anyway

What’s your fav. song at the moment?
- "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven

Do you hate chocolate?
- love it - almond covered dark choco is the best!

Are you a gullible person?
- heck no

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
- i make myself happy

If you could have any job what would it be?
- i couldnt care less as long as i'm the boss and it is legit job....

R you easy to get along with?
- i think so

What is your fav time of day?
- nighty - night

R u generally a happy person?
- hehe yeah

by e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

BOWLING SATURDAY.....sooo fun @ FT. McPherson - a U.S. Army post.....catching up w/ some friends......

Good food, good yummy treats.....

I played pool too....and pretty good at it he..he ;)