Saturday, February 02, 2008

Woke up @ 5A 'tis morning..............received a phone call from those 'lil darlings (my niece and nephew)...they both were in such a chatty mood so I woke up w/ such a huge nephew spend 10 mins explaining me about these two "rare" Pokemons (the fish and the bird) that he got out of the pokemon cards I gave him..............and how these two rare Pokemons were captured.....using some kind of power ball not the usual Pokemon's ball...meanwhile my niece's telling me that she hasn't received her flute....and won't be receiving it until 2 weeks after....she was a bit disappointed since mommy had ordered it prior to our Christmas get-together thingy.....she then told me that Daniel is going to make her deaf....(in the background playing his new trumpet)... :) :)
Oh LORD....I am enjoying every moment I have w/ these two kiddos...I know that they soon will grow up..........

Meanwhile, my bro: on his way to Sydney...I WANNA BE THERE TOO!!! LOL!!!!

Another beaaaaaaaaaaaaautiful sunshine-y day out there...preparing to go to the Park....

Father God...bless us all on this day....