Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My boss is back...thank goodness! Things are somewhat back to normal...a lot of work but back to normal....I am sooo glad to have such a great boss!!
I got a 'lil emo last night when "VA Beach dude" sent me the clip video of Chris Brown - With You.....yeah...no turning back (I keep reminding myself)............well - actually I have been feeling a 'lil emo lately...LOL....so yeah...one of those days....
The price you pay for beauty...LMAO...a few days ago...I got the laser whitening thingy...geez...after the treatment...my gum and teeth were pretty darn sensitive....I am glad it was only for a couple of days....now it is back to normal....the other bad thing about the it all is that: NO TEA or COFFEE for 48 hrs....I didn't think I was gonna make it LOL!!!


My bro is enjoying the "Land Down Under" :( I do really wish I could be there.....

I kid not...I really do need help to get rid of the Crazy-Ex-Frenchie...he has not stopped emailing me and this morning he tried to add me as "friend" on my Yahoo - IM....geez...psychopath...why on earth I would even consider to add you - I got no reason, NO REASON to do that!!
I really do enjoy going to my fave park T.H. park....it's such a beautiful park....