Monday, February 18, 2008

I just wanted to write a bit here before calling him back.....I've been avoiding "him" bcz recently I don't have anything to tell him. Months has passed by, and yes, yes, it is true...that plenty has happened. I'm trying to find my own two feet, and get where I want to be sensibly, righteously and courageously. So I've been told to grow up (becz of my commitment-phobia) and take life more seriously. Honestly, there's more to me than meets the eye, and I don't need to answer to anyone but the Man upstairs. I have a high intolerance to control freaks, squares and overly dramatic people. I need to breathe. I respect people and I am sincere when I say I'm always gonna be around. How could I even survive without, I need you too.....but I know you won't understand it...I don't expect you to.....