Friday, February 15, 2008


“Love never fails” (I Corinthians 13:8).

YEAYYYYYYY I'm just glad the whole pretentious - overrated V-DAY is over.....
I got a surprise: V-Day flowers ;) ;)

I wasn't planning to go anywhere last night...but ended up @ Pasha Turkish Restaurant @ U-Blvd....

Love nothing more than to be told a story
I love to listen and dream
To imagine the whole thing
Feeling everything
Sensing it all
I am doing a "Social Detox" - cutting toxic friends/people out of my life....
Given the recent saga of me getting emotionally hurt and betrayed by an unexpected "someone" - I decided that I will not let people run over me anymore. I've realized that people who keep pushing my buttons just aren't worth keeping in my life....and neither are people who are only around me for their own reasons.'s time to give a boot to people who don't respect my feelings and constantly say things to undermine me so that they feel better about themselves.
So I've clicked a few "Block Contact" on my Yahoo IM and MSN Messenger today...
Bye-bye, bad-news......contrary to what L'oreal says, you're SO DEFINITELY NOT worth it!