Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm going to meet this guy for coffee....I tried twice to turn him down but finally I I promise myself to make it quick......and NO it'z not a DATE....just a quick hang out kinda thingy.....

My sis-in-law called me, we chat for a bit...she suggested the next destination for us all to meet is: DUBAI....geezzzz's about 11 months to go...or more like 9 months before we really start planning and picking the destination.....

I mizz my neph and niece....I feel like I am already huggie - deprived.....SIGH!!!!

I have been listenin' to the MP3 player given to me by "him" with tons of sappy songs... :(

Hang out w/ VN-Gal and Huney Boo.....LOL....we had Dim Sum.....

And VN-Gal made me drink this avocado shake thingy....YUCK!!!! According to her I will soon be craving for it.... LOL!!!