Saturday, January 12, 2008

Il y aura toujours quelque part un vide qui ne se remplit pas en moi.
Je passerai mon temps à me dire
Tu vois, ça aurait dû être toi.
Il y aura toujours une nuit infinie qui me suivra partout
Il y aura toujours quelque chose de toi… de nous.
It’s been a time of reshuffling and transitioning and I think its all in place now. I'm glad to leave this year behind and start fresh. Its’ a brand new year, with brand new career paths, friends, loves, and adventures ahead….I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and jump….to a new life is waiting round the corner.......
Oh yeah, and I got a new "do" too.
Even years after we broke up, I never can really be completely free from my exes….
My first 13 yr-relationship ex: He is still now my closest friend so we do communicate regularly….even though he just recently has someone else now in his life 5 yrs later after we broke up….
The ex-Frenchie…keeps on pounding me w/ emails….begging me to reply which I refuse to!
And now…..I receive an MP3 players for Christmas w/ tons and tons of sappy love songs……as a gift from "him"…..
I went out on light dates a few times w/ this fun-loving-super-kind-cute Aussie mate – that works w/ my bro….he asked for my email and phone# so we could keep in touch but I sadly declined….NO more LDRs!!!!
The dude at my work finally had a nerve to ask me to have a drink……I reluctantly declined….I don’t want to get tangled up in a mess w/ someone I work w/….the lesson I learned well from the ex-Frenchie….