Monday, January 28, 2008

How young is too young? Sigh...the dude I have been hanging out w/ is about at least 5 yrs younger than moi and *SIGH* he is another engineer...whatzup w/ all these engineers? LMAO!!!!

BOZO-FRENCHIE-DUDE...still emails me....I guess he takes it as a challenge now bcz I refuse to give in and reply to his stupid emails.....I am praying: God please make him stop bombarded me w/ stupid-super-annoying more please!! PLEASE GOD!!!! I can only take soooo much!!!

N-E-WAYZ...what's up w/ the weather ppl? Today's high: in the it Spring already? At least no I won't complain.....

The big big boss decided to retire...his last day would be the 1st...his replacement (my boss' boss) is this guy who asked me to join him on a corporate-wide side project.....well, I am happy that he chose me but at the same means I'm gonna be soooo super boss is coming back from China, Korea and it would only means I will have extra jobs too...
Lord thank you for today...for the sunshine...for being there when I need You...thank you for keeping all of us safe.....thank you for all of my wonderful friends.....