Saturday, January 19, 2008

I received a few text messages/emails regarding my previous entry about quit them, I too realized this blog is our means of "keeping in touch" - since all my pals and fams are scattered around the globe w/ different time zones....we all have busy schedules/ having a place where you can just click to find out how's each other doing is a convenient thing to do....w/ that thought I prommie-prommie to keep writing.......
Sooo I am - writing away..


Well, remember previously how I said that Winter in HOU has been sooo mild compared to ATL, right before I left on my vacation in Dec, I was still running around w/ flipflops and shorts....weeell, as we know that Jan usually is the coldest month for the season......and yeah for a couple of days already the weather has gotten a wee-bit colder....and yesterday it rained all day - morning, afternoon, evening and the high is about in the low 50s/upper 40s....and ppl are already all bundled up in their ski-gears typed....talking about fireplace..etc....

I on the other end am really enjoying this "mild" winter weather....and secretly wished that it would stay like this for a 'lil while...
Especially when this morning I checked the weather forecasts for HOU and ATL....and....


I am extremely happy to be in Hou......


My super nicey EX BF the drummer told me that he is making his famous veggie-gumbo....and invite me over for SUNDAY after church....YEAYYYYYYYYY for GUMBO!!!!