Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yesterday I saw a PUUURRRFECT opportunity to give that *Wiatch* a taste of her own doings....I was giggling at the mere thought of my evil plan....vengeance is super sweet...I thought w/ evil grin...but then suddenly I was reminded of the scripture:
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
(Romans 12:19-21)

I paused and thought......n' decided to abandon that puurfect plan for revenge........
I humbly ask provide me with loving kindness and patience, oh LORD......

We had a big retirement lunch for my boss' boss....the top dude...when asked what is he gonna do with his spare time...he...said that he will be fixin' up his ranch somewhere in SA....

I am loving the weather...not tooo cold not too muggily hot kewl boss on the other hand is supposed to be making his way back to HOU from SHA. I hope he will have a smooth journey home...since I heard on the news this morning about the terrible winter storm there in China....
Got a ph call last night from my super-kewl-ex....he said he was watching an opera w/ his new gf...WOOWWW!!! cute...
I am super busy and in need of more patience....LORD.!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It has been a very busy week for me...trainings/workshops/meetings...etc..etc...

Lord grant me the strength!

N..u r adorable and super cute ;)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trying to keep up w/ me and all my bros + fam are just not easy.... sis-in-law n the kids just arrived in Sydney a couple of days ago - they were in SIN-JKT for a few oldest bro is having a conference in SIN right now - so he gets to hang out w/ my second (who was in Thailand and Malaysia last week for a meeting)...
The third one had just gotten back from Brazil - now he is leaving to Sydney.........
And poor 'lil me is tryin' to catch up w/ least I don't have to do the "biweekly" trip to VA Beach no more!
Thank goodness for IM and text message...!!! That's how we-all keep in touch.....

Monday, January 28, 2008

How young is too young? Sigh...the dude I have been hanging out w/ is about at least 5 yrs younger than moi and *SIGH* he is another engineer...whatzup w/ all these engineers? LMAO!!!!

BOZO-FRENCHIE-DUDE...still emails me....I guess he takes it as a challenge now bcz I refuse to give in and reply to his stupid emails.....I am praying: God please make him stop bombarded me w/ stupid-super-annoying more please!! PLEASE GOD!!!! I can only take soooo much!!!

N-E-WAYZ...what's up w/ the weather ppl? Today's high: in the it Spring already? At least no I won't complain.....

The big big boss decided to retire...his last day would be the 1st...his replacement (my boss' boss) is this guy who asked me to join him on a corporate-wide side project.....well, I am happy that he chose me but at the same means I'm gonna be soooo super boss is coming back from China, Korea and it would only means I will have extra jobs too...
Lord thank you for today...for the sunshine...for being there when I need You...thank you for keeping all of us safe.....thank you for all of my wonderful friends.....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I am totally "Valentine's Day" overdosed!!!
I had to go to Wal-Mart after church today to buy some "essentials" and Ben Ten action figure for my nephew. My bro-E is leaving to Sydney in a week, geez.....I wish I could go to!
As I was walking in the isles looking for the Fourarms, Diamondhead, wildmutt, or XLR8....., I couldn't help but noticing the Valentine's Day goodies everywhere, cards, chocolates, flowers, gifts...etc...etc...

PPL'z not even the end of Jan yet.....and yawl already shoving Valentine's Day crap down our throats...!!! I'm already "Valentine's Day overdosed....!!!!

On another note, my ex-babe just informed me that he is going through w/ his PhD in Environmental Engineering from ODU....he said it would keep his mind off the whole crap....and his target to obtain his doctorate degree would be in 2012....

Well, I am proud of you....I don't know if it matters to you but...yeah...I am very, very proud of of the traits that I always admire about won't let anything stop you from reaching your goals....and when things are refused to stay negative but move on to something positive.....all the have my prayers.....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

You are a witch and a liar......
What have I done to you that you have to spread bad rumours about me....
You are no longer my future-sis-in-law...since I am no longer w/ your bro-in-law...
So please leave me alone................
Go away.........I don't wanna hear from you ever again.........

I received an email from my super cute eccentric AUSSIE Mate: JHP....he sent me: How do you tell if you are a true Aussie????? LMAO!!!!
Here we go:
1. You know the meaning of the word "girt".
2. You believe that stubbies can be either drunk or worn.
3. You think it's normal to have a leader called Kevin.
4. You waddle when you walk due to the 53 expired petrol discount vouchers stuffed in your wallet or purse.
5. You've made a bong out of your garden hose rather than use it for something illegal such as watering the garden.
6. You believe it is appropriate to put a rubber in your son's pencil case when he first attends school.
7. When you hear that an American "roots for his team" you wonder how often and with whom.
8. You understand that the phrase "a group of women wearing black thongs" refers to footwear and may be less alluring than it sounds.
9. You pronounce Melbourne as "Mel-bin".
10. You pronounce Penrith as "Pen-riff".
11. You believe the "l" in the word "Australia" is optional.
12. You can translate: "Dazza and Shazza played Acca Dacca on the way to Maccas."
13. You believe it makes perfect sense for a nation to decorate its highways with large fibreglass bananas, prawns and sheep.
14. You call your best friend "a total bastard" but someone you really, truly despise is just "a bit of a bastard".
15. You think "Woolloomooloo" is a perfectly reasonable name for a place.
16. You're secretly proud of our killer wildlife.
17. You believe it makes sense for a country to have a $1 coin that's twice as big as its $2 coin.
18. You understand that "Wagga Wagga" can be abbreviated to "Wagga" but "Woy Woy" can't be called "Woy".
19. You believe that cooked-down axlegrease makes a good breakfast spread.
20. You believe all famous Kiwis are actually Australian, until they stuff up, at which point they again become Kiwis.
21. Hamburger. Beetroot. Of course.
22. You know that certain words must, by law, be shouted out during any rendition of the Angels' song Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again.
23. You believe, as an article of faith, that the confectionary known as the Wagon Wheel has become smaller with every passing year.
24. You still don't get why the "Labor" in "Australian Labor Party" is not spelt with a "u".
25. You wear ugh boots outside the house.
26. You believe, as an article of faith, that every important discovery in the world was made by an Australian but then sold off to the Yanks for a pittance.
27. You believe that the more you shorten someone's name the more you like them.
28. Whatever your linguistic skills, you find yourself able to order takeaway fluently in every Asian language.
29. You understand that "excuse me" can sound rude, while "scuse me" is always polite.
30. You know what it's like to swallow a fly, on occasion via your nose.
31. You understand that "you" has a plural and that it's "youse".
32. You know it's not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to handle.
33. Your biggest family argument over the summer concerned the rules for beach cricket.
34. You shake your head in horror when companies try to market what they call "Anzac cookies".
35. You still think of Kylie as "that girl off Neighbours".
36. When returning home from overseas, you expect to be brutally strip-searched by Customs - just in case you're trying to sneak in fruit.
37. You believe the phrase "smart casual" refers to a pair of black tracky-daks, suitably laundered.
38. You understand that all train timetables are works of fiction.
39. When working on a bar, you understand male customers will feel the need to offer an excuse whenever they order low-alcohol beer.
40. You get choked up with emotion by the first verse of the national anthem and then have trouble remembering the second.
41. You find yourself ignorant of nearly all the facts deemed essential in the government's new test for migrants.
42. You know, whatever the tourist books say, that no one says "cobber".
43. And you will immediately forward this list to other Australians, here and overseas, realising that only they will understand.
I was rolling on the floor basically bcz these are some of the things I had a loooooooong discussions w/ them during my visits............

Happy Australia all my Aussie mates and families!!!!!

Thank you LORD for the sunshine.........

Itz soooo gorgeous out there....I am in the oh-soooo-happy-mood!...

There will always be a sunshine after the rain.............
All new things are always exciting ;) but the old ones are still precious!!!
Kindness goes a looooong way...........
Peace everyone!!! Have a blessed day!

Spent FRI eve tgthr w/ my galpals....we had a quick dinner, walk around @ a store to find a "perfect" coat for VN-Gal and then ended up in my place...playing Outburst, Mad Gab, and the "TRUTH"questions among friends...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrls those were preeety tough questions..............had a blast....enjoyed asking yawl w/ DEEP questions.....
Sssssssst some secrets had now been revealed!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GEEZ...I haven't been updating as regularly......cuz I have been relatively busy BOTH socially and professionally LMAO! weekends are always filled and I haven't really had a REALLY lazy weekend at home since I moved here in NOV. And yet I haven't caught up with all my buddies here in HOU....C&B, L, J, C, R, D, A, Mi....are a few that I have not had a chance to hang out yet....(I am soooo sorry guys)...not to mention I got emails to write back, phone calls to return from my other friends in ATL.........this weekend is definitely no expected...another busy one!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another wonderful evening... but its hard to believe in love right now.
Had a friend woke me up this morning - talking about SNOW in ATL....he said that thermometers fell to 17 degrees early Sunday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and Blairsville in northeastern Georgia recorded a low of 9!!!
He sent me a couple of pics of the icy-snowy-freeze....

LORD, thank you for bringing me back to HOUSTON, next time when I am gonna start complaining about how HOT this city is...I will stop to think how unbearably cold ATL where I was.....

TO ALL MY PALS/MATES/BUDDIES in ATL....keep warm pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The sun is shinning - no more least not for a few days....

I have a full schedule today...

LUNCHIE DATE ;) @ Fadi's - my fave rest (plz ignore the name...inside joke..LOL!)


In btw I have errands to run, exercise to do....etc.....

I received a few text messages/emails regarding my previous entry about quit them, I too realized this blog is our means of "keeping in touch" - since all my pals and fams are scattered around the globe w/ different time zones....we all have busy schedules/ having a place where you can just click to find out how's each other doing is a convenient thing to do....w/ that thought I prommie-prommie to keep writing.......
Sooo I am - writing away..


Well, remember previously how I said that Winter in HOU has been sooo mild compared to ATL, right before I left on my vacation in Dec, I was still running around w/ flipflops and shorts....weeell, as we know that Jan usually is the coldest month for the season......and yeah for a couple of days already the weather has gotten a wee-bit colder....and yesterday it rained all day - morning, afternoon, evening and the high is about in the low 50s/upper 40s....and ppl are already all bundled up in their ski-gears typed....talking about fireplace..etc....

I on the other end am really enjoying this "mild" winter weather....and secretly wished that it would stay like this for a 'lil while...
Especially when this morning I checked the weather forecasts for HOU and ATL....and....


I am extremely happy to be in Hou......


My super nicey EX BF the drummer told me that he is making his famous veggie-gumbo....and invite me over for SUNDAY after church....YEAYYYYYYYYY for GUMBO!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Any views/opinions/experiences expressed in my blog are entirely personal to me. Since this is a personal blog then I have every freaking right to vent my frustrations in any manner. It may have nothing to do with any employer, co-workers, relatives, family and friends, or passers-by unless stated explicitly. Never-never make assumption that I am writing about you!!


I have been thinking about it lately whether I should shut down my blog, I am getting busier with the project and often loss for words…..
Let me take a break and think about it first......

1st date
2nd date
3rd date?


Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am back from the coffee "hang-out" turned out to be lotz of fun....I didn't have coffee though...just perpermint tea..............
I'm going to meet this guy for coffee....I tried twice to turn him down but finally I I promise myself to make it quick......and NO it'z not a DATE....just a quick hang out kinda thingy.....

My sis-in-law called me, we chat for a bit...she suggested the next destination for us all to meet is: DUBAI....geezzzz's about 11 months to go...or more like 9 months before we really start planning and picking the destination.....

I mizz my neph and niece....I feel like I am already huggie - deprived.....SIGH!!!!

I have been listenin' to the MP3 player given to me by "him" with tons of sappy songs... :(

Hang out w/ VN-Gal and Huney Boo.....LOL....we had Dim Sum.....

And VN-Gal made me drink this avocado shake thingy....YUCK!!!! According to her I will soon be craving for it.... LOL!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Feeln' like a to tend my jetlaggie....
Igotta catch up w/ me yahoo 241 messages.....

"When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love" - Robert Fulghum

Il y aura toujours quelque part un vide qui ne se remplit pas en moi.
Je passerai mon temps à me dire
Tu vois, ça aurait dû être toi.
Il y aura toujours une nuit infinie qui me suivra partout
Il y aura toujours quelque chose de toi… de nous.
It’s been a time of reshuffling and transitioning and I think its all in place now. I'm glad to leave this year behind and start fresh. Its’ a brand new year, with brand new career paths, friends, loves, and adventures ahead….I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and jump….to a new life is waiting round the corner.......
Oh yeah, and I got a new "do" too.
Even years after we broke up, I never can really be completely free from my exes….
My first 13 yr-relationship ex: He is still now my closest friend so we do communicate regularly….even though he just recently has someone else now in his life 5 yrs later after we broke up….
The ex-Frenchie…keeps on pounding me w/ emails….begging me to reply which I refuse to!
And now…..I receive an MP3 players for Christmas w/ tons and tons of sappy love songs……as a gift from "him"…..
I went out on light dates a few times w/ this fun-loving-super-kind-cute Aussie mate – that works w/ my bro….he asked for my email and phone# so we could keep in touch but I sadly declined….NO more LDRs!!!!
The dude at my work finally had a nerve to ask me to have a drink……I reluctantly declined….I don’t want to get tangled up in a mess w/ someone I work w/….the lesson I learned well from the ex-Frenchie….

Emotions stretched to a maximum the entire week, I don't know how to face things with a clear head as I did before…..


Getting close to someone, to truly love another, is probably the most courageous act we humans do. It's the most volatile risk we take with our lives, knowing that the gamble could either success or fail. Though the risks could be catastrophic to our very fragile hearts, the chance of knowing real love is far more precious. So with care and precaution, we gently open and expose ourselves to the other. We learn, we feel, we secretly hope that they will do the same. And not just do the same, but stay that way for futures to come..I feel very vulnerable at this point.

All I want is for time to turn back... but it never will.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Life have been really busy and tiring of late. Been going out every single day….which is of course fun-fun-fun but definitely exhausting....

I have been told by numerous sources that blogging HAS to recommence ASAP!!!!!!!

This weekend I will...LOL!!!