Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wrong Number!

This morning I received a call on my cell.. @ 3 A.M in the morning…..(RINGGGGG…RINGGGGGGGG)

Me: Hellooooo????????????? (half asleep ZZzzzzZZ, sleepy voice and yawning)

Him: Tina? Tina?

(Tina is prolly the girl who had this number before me, and I realized that this man had called me several times a few months ago and kept asking me if I were her. Oh and he also text-messaged me a few times too. I think he was her ex bf and he is desperately looking for her. The calls and the text-messages stopped after I suggested him to put a missing person report for her…GEEEEZ)

Me: No such person here….you have a wrong number and pleeeeazzzzzzze stop calling.

Him: Are u Tina?

Me: No! I already told you that I am not Tina…GEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!

After I hang up the phone, I was wide awake…and I was pretty much irritated about this “continuous” mistaken identity. I mean, this ex bf person is obviously so desperate to contact her. Despite my urge to actually being nosey and asked him why does he continue to try so hard to contact her, and if he really thinks that by calling me gazillion of times…one of these days that his ex gf would finally pick up the phone instead of me??? But I stopped myself….I did ask him though to quit calling especially after I already told him umpteen times that I am not her….I also wanted to ask him (but I didn’t) if he does believe in magic ponies? If he does than I can understand if he thinks that one day his gf will magically answer using my number.

Or yeah maybe he doesn’t believe that I am not Tina…duh…cuz if I were really Tina and I tried to say that I tried this hard to avoid him that he muz be a stalker or somtg, or I might be owing him money……or…. …whatever…who knows!!!!!!

As my repeated attempts to explain to this guy didn’t really work….CLEARLY….so I think I would try to do a different approach next time or maybe I would be lucky enough that he is blog-surfing and finds my entry by a chance:

Dear Tina Stalker,

Please find ur ex gf's new no. in the white pages or something. If you do not know her name or address or do not have a residential phone book, you should try looking at
www.friendster.com or the other internet friends connection websites that will allow you to track down people.., there are many other ways to try to locate her rather than calling me..REPEATEDLY!!!!


(Please Note: I am not Tina)