Tuesday, November 21, 2006

U people surely have your freedom to be jealous of me or even hate me!
BUT dont forget that I also have my own FREEDOM to be HAPPY and be MYSELF!

Do people only start gossips when they are jealous? C'mon, wake up people. When you want to start anything nasty rumors about someone, do some homework first please! Why wait 'til this time before you want to gossip about me? Again, I must emphasize that I'm not toying with anyone. Have not, am not and will not!! I do not want any Tom, Dick or Harry to just become my guy. I admit that I am picky and I do HANG OUT w/ guys but that doesn't mean I'm playing. Get this clear. I always put effort in all the guys I date. It just happens that relationships are not that easy to fathom. Sometimes things just freaking don't go according to plan! Only my close friends will know what happened in my past-relationships and I do not have to report to everyone. I'm already sick of explaining myself. I have my fair share of heartbreaks; I do not need anymore of y'all to judge me!!!

I know that I could be over friendly sometimes and get close to someone quite easily. I mean, if you have been in a relationship before, you should know that: When it comes, it just comes. You can't hide from it. Please let me have some peace and let me be....is not too much for me to ask, is it?

Gossiping usually accompanies back-biting and is strictly prohibited. It means passing on to others what you hear from someone in such a manner that will cause dissension among people, sour their relationships, or increase already-existing bitterness between them.

My closest friend in ATL, she had a share of these stupid rumors that created problems w/ her husband….WHY??? becz people are jealous….I salute her for the confidence and cheery attitudes she has that makes her attractive to a lot of people (and yeah..she is beautiful too)…..so there are some out there who obviously jealous of her that felt the necessity to start some *(&#^=%$ rumors. And of course, her husband and she sorted things out but still people should really mind their own business!!!

Quit that “W”itchy attitudes, get your broom and fly away elsewhere!!!