Saturday, November 18, 2006

I know I’ve got it great really. Loving family, great friends, great job (could be way worse I guess..LOL!), my fave cup of coffee, total freedom and long bubble baths. What else could there be?

I’m grateful for the fact that:

I have my faith [I know that GOD loves me with His grace and blessings]

I have a wonderful family who loves me to bits [I luvvvvvv my cute niece and mischievous nephew]

I have a delightfully vain and arrogant froggie who thinks that he’s the center of my universe [Froggie has traveled with me to many, many places]

I have a hot and sexy boyfriend who thinks I’m crazily-yummy [Which is always good for the ego]

I have few but extremely precious friends whom I genuinely adore [Friends ‘til the end, babes]

I have clothes on my back, a roof over my head, food on the table, coins in my pocket and a matching handbag to complete the look.. *silly grin*..he…he.. [Good to know that my sense of humor is still intact!]

So yeah, basically I am quite alright and thankful…..!!!

Next week, I will be flying back to the warmth and comfort of a good ‘ol Houston, Texas to spend Thanksgiving with those who I hold dear in my heart….My heart is still in Houston, Texas…!!!!