Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dear whatever name ur parents gave u,

1. U do not be super-fake nicey-nice to my bf if u can’t even half friendly to me. Oh wait! u do not freaking friendly to my bf when u could not even look at me in the face whenever you bump into me. Even though u are my bfs fren and supposedly your dad’s and his dad’s are a long-term best buddies or whatever! It’s onli polite to smile and acknowledge my existence.

2. U do not freaking sit down and talk to my bf and den walk away and come back again all super-fake-all-too-happy and continue ur chat when I am right there with of him….especially when he has tried to ignore you many times…….

U are sending me a signal that u are a fugly B. HALLLLLO!!! I EXIST!!!!! DUH!!!!

Find ur own.
Leave mine alone.

Thanks for making my bf’s parents house a little less welcoming for me.
I hope all your hair falls off…..and i think you should join the monobrow associations at to show off your UNI-BROWS!!! They would be eager to have you as the new member of the monobrow club….

I just don’t get some gals (or guys too – to be fair)!!!!! I have a lot of buddies both males and females and many of them are married….we have never had this problem because we all respect each other. I dun want their hubbies/bfs….and I don’t want their hubbies/bfs to be flirting w/ me either….we laugh, joke around having a good ‘ol time hanging out..etc..……but we just DON’T GO there!!! Never e’vr..e’vr!!!! I dun want somebody else’s…!!!! Vicey-versi!

Get a life!