Saturday, November 18, 2006

Weekends are the best!!!!!


You get to sleep and wake up late.....

Hangin' out late without having pangs of guilt of not being able to wake up the next day supa' early to work.......

Do nonsensical stuff at the comfort of your own space and time..........

Everyone else (your familia, your kewl buddies, your hunnie...etc..etc..) is always (usually) available during weekends....

ZzzzzzZzzz all day long........being laaaazzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy...

Just because......

Friday, November 17, 2006 - A Windy Night!

Pretty darn was 3A and I heard the strong wind blowing as though there was a tiger roaring right outside my glass panels....

The trees are swaying.....strong windst.....the angry growling wind coupled with the thunder...

Weather is geting Thanksgiving approaches....

Saturday, November 18, 2006 night will be extra special bcuz....

"Mid-November brings us the return of the famous Leonid meteor shower, which has a storied history of producing some of the most sensational meteor displays ever recorded."

2 hours of meteor shower!!! From Midnight to - 3A!!!

I remember that my ex-Denver born Texan bf is always crazy about this meteor shower (he still is - LOL!). He and I both would stay up and stay out or even drive to his sista's ranch house in Austin, Texas with our watch the shower....uber romantic huh????

Oh well, tonight, I would be watching by myself...why not???? He...he..those who are interested to do the same...look into eastern sky.....!!

Meteor Tips:
Stay up late - nap early if you must
Get out of town -
go far away and city lights and haze
Get comfy - lounge chair, blank-ie, or sleeping bag
Be patient - it takes a few minutes for the eyes to adjust to the dark
Look around - meteors may radiate from one point (Eastern sky), but they can flash anywhere in sky….