Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I was listening to my fave radio station in the middle of the rush hr traffic trying to get home from the Galleria area…….

I heard the DJ was asking listeners to ring in and tell him why they love their partners…..this one guy rang in and dedicated a song to his gal….and when he expressed why he loves this gal embedded deep in my memory….he said:

"She has a beautiful spirit and is the kindest soul. I want to protect her with all my heart."

It's interesting because often when people are asked this question, the reason they love their partners are mostly selfish reasons: she makes me feel good, he buys me things, she listens to me and understands me, etc….

We often forget that love isn't just about taking, it's about giving in equal parts... And embracing, good and bad as well.........

When you asked about my reason? I love you bcz you first love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul….……

Thank you Lord for giving me someone who loves You….as much as I do.....