Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Father Lord,
I couldn't really describe how I'm feeling,
words aren't enough to say,
You are my cure and my only healing,
I can't stand to be without being close to You for another day.
The way You show me how You love me,
it does more then just put a smile on my face,
You give me the joy in my heart,
Your blessings amaze me everyday….
Your daughter

Dear “You”,
The way you say you love me,
repeats enduringly in my mind,
you are the only one that knows the way to my heart you hold the key,
you are the only one - the type that’s hard to find.
You accepted me for being just me,
you my first pick out of a million and my better choice.
Some people say love is blind but you are all I can see,
you are addicting enough from the very first taste.