In a world where arrogant, self-absorbed, and opportunistic people litter the streets, there exists a rare and precious gem, carefully hidden amongst all that filth. Untouched, unmarred by the madness of the world.
And as fate destined, the gem found me. Sought me. Claimed me. Only God knows what I have done in this life to deserve such a gift. For the first time in my life, I actually feel undeserving of such love and devotion. Deeply humbled, my heart aches with the sweetness.
I could never be as kind, or as patient, or as understanding. Most importantly, I could never be as selfless. My needs are placed high above all others. My happiness takes precedence. My smiles and laughter, his purpose.
The hours are long, the demands are many, yet everything is instantly and willingly dropped at the snap of my fingers or my cry of pain, as he rushes to soothe and kiss my unhappiness away. Dear dear God, if I can make him even half as happy as he makes me, I’d be eternally grateful. Because I don’t know anybody who deserves it more.
He has a truly beautiful soul and most of all, he loves my LORD with all his heart, soul and mind......THANK YOU FATHER GOD!!!!