Sunday, June 29, 2008

Never have I known a human being so kind. So sincere. And so real.
In a world where arrogant, self-absorbed, and opportunistic people litter the streets, there exists a rare and precious gem, carefully hidden amongst all that filth. Untouched, unmarred by the madness of the world.
And as fate destined, the gem found me. Sought me. Claimed me. Only God knows what I have done in this life to deserve such a gift. For the first time in my life, I actually feel undeserving of such love and devotion. Deeply humbled, my heart aches with the sweetness.
I could never be as kind, or as patient, or as understanding. Most importantly, I could never be as selfless. My needs are placed high above all others. My happiness takes precedence. My smiles and laughter, his purpose.
The hours are long, the demands are many, yet everything is instantly and willingly dropped at the snap of my fingers or my cry of pain, as he rushes to soothe and kiss my unhappiness away. Dear dear God, if I can make him even half as happy as he makes me, I’d be eternally grateful. Because I don’t know anybody who deserves it more.
He has a truly beautiful soul and most of all, he loves my LORD with all his heart, soul and mind......THANK YOU FATHER GOD!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Father Lord,
I couldn't really describe how I'm feeling,
words aren't enough to say,
You are my cure and my only healing,
I can't stand to be without being close to You for another day.
The way You show me how You love me,
it does more then just put a smile on my face,
You give me the joy in my heart,
Your blessings amaze me everyday….
Your daughter

Dear “You”,
The way you say you love me,
repeats enduringly in my mind,
you are the only one that knows the way to my heart you hold the key,
you are the only one - the type that’s hard to find.
You accepted me for being just me,
you my first pick out of a million and my better choice.
Some people say love is blind but you are all I can see,
you are addicting enough from the very first taste.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

In reality.....unlike surfing the NET, I can never hit the "BACK" button...
How true is that? The words 'if only, what if' occasionally pops up in our daily conversations, especially more if we are in the midst of long sighing and grumbling sessions. Let's face it, tomorrow is what we make of today, so we simply have to move on. The only remedy being to make the best out of today.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
Recently, I've talked to a couple of close friends who've put their relationship with God on hiatus and both when I asked them why they stopped having faith in God, gave me the same answer basically that HE wasn't there when they needed Him the most....

I don't think that they were expecting God to solve their problems, I think what they wanted was some kind of assurance from HIM. I answered them by telling them that just becz they couldn't feel God, doesn't mean He wasn't there...However, I also remember that during my own low period, I found myself thinking the same thing. I felt my faith was tested. And I remembered how I was flipping through the bible trying to find a scripture for me to hold on....then...1 Peter 1:6-7 came....

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

I realized by reading this scripture that standing strong through my trials means knowing who GOD is, and trusting Him to do what He says He will do. I can't become strong in my spirit overnight, and it doesn't happen automatically. It's a lifelong process of growth, and I have to continue to trust HIM and grow in my faith.......

Friday, June 20, 2008

Just to be the person I am
Sometimes I wonder
Can I do it?
I don’t want to wear a mask
Many times I tried not to hurt anybody
I tried to be nice, I tried to help
Tried to be there for each and
Every one of them
Without failure I tried
Even in my busy lifestyle
I still give in my time
Sad to say only
Few people can see it
Only some can feel it
To the rest of them
They just hope for more
Or I would say ask for more
I’m just human
I do have my limits
I realize is not easy
Not easy to please everyone
Sometimes I guess
I just need to be harsh and say No

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I used to be really fearful of the things that were yet to happen.
When I was feeling down, I was really down. But nowadays, if I do really get upset, it doesn't feel bad, cause He's holding me. It's a wonderful promise to hold on to. Enough said. Nite and God bless....peeps!

It's been two years

When it ended
Without realizing how much I ached
I tried to let go,
In every way possible,
But I failed miserably.

Then He came in and lifted me up,
And I found everything I needed in Him.
Still I couldn't let Him take it,
Bcz I wanted it so badly,
That I failed to see that it wasn't about what I want
But what He wants.

And so it goes
That a few weeks ago,
I had a special encounter
With the one who deemed most important to me.
He touched me and my soul was filled with joy.

The pain and aches that have been stored up
Left me all of a sudden.
The peace of God felt so real and
Everything else seemed so small.
The joy that fills me now
Can never be explained.

For He has given me
Days of heaven on earth.

And so right now
I give Him my all.
Because letting go
Is giving up what I want,
Surrendering wholly to Him.
Dying to self
And living for Him and Him alone.

All glory to You Lord. He has proven faithful, as always.......

Time doesn’t heal everything, but God does!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I realized something when I’m with him.....and it can be translated to having ideal love is fostered only between two sincere, mature and independent people. It is the inner struggle to polish these attributes that is the key. Real love is not two people clinging to each other; it can only be brought up between two strong people secure in their individuality........
So, everyone, the weekend's well, drink well, sleep well, give thanks, pray, work hard, don't forget to play harder, stay healthy, indulge in new hobbies, continue lookin' good, and most importantly, dance crazy (like me)

Peace out honeybees!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I was listening to my fave radio station in the middle of the rush hr traffic trying to get home from the Galleria area…….

I heard the DJ was asking listeners to ring in and tell him why they love their partners…..this one guy rang in and dedicated a song to his gal….and when he expressed why he loves this gal embedded deep in my memory….he said:

"She has a beautiful spirit and is the kindest soul. I want to protect her with all my heart."

It's interesting because often when people are asked this question, the reason they love their partners are mostly selfish reasons: she makes me feel good, he buys me things, she listens to me and understands me, etc….

We often forget that love isn't just about taking, it's about giving in equal parts... And embracing, good and bad as well.........

When you asked about my reason? I love you bcz you first love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul….……

Thank you Lord for giving me someone who loves You….as much as I do.....

Sunday, June 08, 2008

It's been a month! It has been slow and steady, which is a drastic change for me. I'm enjoying my lovely, warm, cozy, floaty bubble while I can... without worrying about when it's going to pop...


I just got tagged by JL, so here we go….

1. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have? The ability to read minds, of course! Pretty kewl……

2. What's your favorite color, why? Purple…and all itz shades…’z so princessy….

3. Where is the place you want to go the most? Europe....

4. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be? Huh. What if I'm already living the dream?

5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? Absolutely, for me it represents God’s promise to Noah that the world will not be destroyed by another flood….

6. What are you afraid to lose the most now? My composure…

7. If you met someone that you love, would you confess your love to him/her? Prolly so…

8. What part of your body do you like the most? My eyes…?

9. What type of people do you hate the most? What the heck kind of question is this? The type of people I'm not associated with….but HATE is such a strong word….so maybe I should disregard this question....

10. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point them out? Yes, I am quite open to hear the opinion of others…about me

11. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? In my life? God of course! and my family, sweetie, friends, financial stability……

12. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you. He is a loyal friend….

13. If you had a chance, what would you like to change about yourself? My quick to anger and being impatience…..

14. Is there anything that you have done which you regret? A few things; but I dealt with it and move on!

15. What makes you different? My quirkiness…..and originality… ;)

16. Do you feel good being friends with the person who tagged you? Why? Um, we're friends…. but yes. It's nice to meet new people from different parts of the world.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

It's so great to be, yesterday and every day from here...