Friday, June 22, 2007

The two chickas at work ehmmm acted strange...I don't give a flying crap....they knew that they were as much involved in the mess bcz they too had made COMMENTS about the dude! I and the sweet T (a true friend) both were joking around at the hallway...and the comment I made was intended for someone else....

All these people are soooo worried about what have been said about them etc....that to me is their personal problem.....

FOR the TWO chickas....I don't give a flip you trying to avoid me for the sake of the dude...look in the mirror blamed me for shit that you were involved hey let's first with no sin casts the stone..........

Also if your ass got chewed by the dude it is really not my freaking problem too......I had no f-ing control of his screwy don't try to put the freaking blame on me....

Who cares...go be a beatch elsewhere....stay away from me....I know who is true and who are not....I don't need LAME-ass person like you both!